2021-2023 DGCE Contract Negotiations

DGCE agreement on vaccinations
DGCE agreement on health and safety issues
DGCE agreement on mask wearing

DGCE Bargaining Update:
At the conclusion of the September 10, 2021 session the MSCA informed the presidents that we believed the parties were at impasse and that we will be petitioning the Department of Labor Relations (DLR) to assign a mediator.

At the October 15, 2021 mediation session, the MSCA was able to convince the presidents to agree to the 2.5% – 2% -2% stipend increases we had on the table on September 10, 2021. You can read the full update here.

Below is an archive of the DGCE Bargaining Chair Reports:

September 10, 2021
August 18, 2021
July 12, 2021
June 10, 2021
May 3, 2021
April 5, 2021
March 17, 2021
February 17, 2021
January 19, 2021
December 16, 2020
November 23, 2020
October 20, 2020
September 22, 2020
August 21, 2020
July 23, 2020

On October 1, 2020, the BHE and the MSCA DGCE Bargaining Committee agreed to ground rules.

MSCA proposals:
Proposal on a three-year contract (September 10, 2021)
Proposed health and safety agreements (September 10, 2021)
Proposal on a vaccination mandate (September 10, 2021)

Online Instruction Observation Form (June 10, 2021)
Equivalencies and Course Caps Proposals (June 10, 2021)

Modification of stipend (May 3, 2021)
Distance Education Classroom Observation (May 3, 2021)
Modification of Technology and course design support (May 3, 2021)

Proposal on a three-year contract (March 17, 2021)

Proposal for a one-year contract extension (January 19, 2021)
Latest proposal on health and safety
Proposal for a one-year contract extension (December 16, 2020)
Proposal for a one-year contract extension (rejected by management)

Management’s proposals:
Mandatory vaccination of DGCE faculty (August 18, 2021)

Classroom observation and student evaluations (June 10, 2021)
Online Instruction Evaluation Form (June 10, 2021)
Proposal on a three-year contract (March 17, 2021)
Management’s Revised Online Instruction form (April 5, 2021)

Management’s proposal for a one-year contract extension
Management has offered no stipend increases for three years
Management’s proposals on health and safety
Management’s PMFL proposal
Management’s Online Instruction form
Management’s proposal on Article VI (Appointment and Termination)

BHE Counterproposal on classroom observations and student evaluations (July 6 2021)
Online Instruction Observation Form addition (July 6 2021)

The DGCE Bargaining Committee has the results of last spring’s survey. Those results can in a graph and PowerPoint summary.

MSCA DGCE Bargaining Committee:
Irina Seceleanu, Chair (Bridgewater)
Rala Diakite, Vice Chair (Fitchburg)
Robert Donohue (Framingham)
Ben Ryterband (MassArt)
Graziana Ramsden (MCLA)
Todd Hibbert (Mass Maritime)
David Goodof (Salem)
Chris Masi (Westfield)
Sam O’Connell (Worcester)
CJ O’Donnell, MSCA President
Roberta James, MTA Consultant

MSCA DGCE Bargaining Committee Alternates:
Maria Hegbloom (Bridgewater)
Aruna Krishnamurthy (Fitchburg)
Sarah Pilkenton (Framingham)
Katie Riel (MassArt)
David Eve (MCLA)
Margot Hennessy (Westfield)
Julie Frechette (Worcester)

New Business Items Passed at the 2019 Delegate Assembly (wording is in draft format):

#1:  Resolution to Empower the MSCA through Open Bargaining

WHEREAS, Open bargaining empowers unions by allowing for active participation of the full membership in bargaining; and

WHEREAS, Open Bargaining maximizes the collective power of the union in support of contract negotiations;

THEREFORE, be it resolved that when negotiating the terms of a contract, the MSCA bargaining team must maintain open bargaining, as established in the final sessions of negotiating the 2017-20 contract; and

Resolved, That the MSCA bargaining team must not agree to any ground rules which limit the ability of members to be fully informed of all discussions and offers that take place during bargaining, nor to agree to any ground rules that limit member observation of or participation in bargaining sessions; and

Resolved, That the MSCA bargaining team will work within a frame that informs members and allows and encourages observation and, when appropriate participation in bargaining.

#2:  Resolution to Empower Membership Engagement and Involvement in Developing Bargaining Proposals

WHEREAS, the active engagement of the full membership in bargaining maximizes the collective power of the union in support of contract negotiations;

THEREFORE, be it resolved that in addition to the bargaining survey, chapter membership meetings may pass resolutions on areas of the contract of concern to members.  Any chapter resolutions must be submitted by the Chapter President to the Bargaining Committee by the deadline for submission of the bargaining survey; and

Resolved, that the results of the bargaining survey and any chapter resolutions must be distributed to all MSCA members via executive session presentation and be available in chapter offices; and

Resolved, that all proposals of the MSCA bargaining team must be made available to all MSCA members once they have been proposed during a bargaining session and will be posted on the MSCA website within 48 hours of the conclusion of each session; and

Resolved, that so that members may shape the content of bargaining, the sharing of MSCA bargaining team proposals and summaries of bargaining sessions will also include an online form or other mechanism for membership to give feedback to the entire bargaining team.