MSCA Testimony on Fair Working Conditions for Part-Time/DGCE Faculty

October 20, 2021

The Joint Committee on Public Service held a virtual hearing yesterday on a number of bills, including H2723 and S1732, bills that would provide pension eligibility for part-time and DGCE faculty teaching a minimal number of courses (among all public higher education in Massachusetts).

The bills would also encourage stipends prorated to those of full-time faculty, afford adjunct faculty timely notice and priority consideration for courses being offered with “full and fair” consideration in attaining tenure-track positions, ensure the accumulation of seniority, advance notice of posting and requiring that they receive an interview during the search process.

You can read MSCA’s written testimony here.

It is not too late to submit written testimony in support of the bill.  You can email testimony to Jessica Foley, who will see to it that it is presented to the members of the  committee.  The deadline for submission of testimony is 5:00 p.m. on October 26, 2021.

For additional legislative bills the MSCA is working on, please see out Legislative webpage.

CJ O’Donnell
MSCA President