Day Bargaining Update

Dear MSCA Day Faculty and Librarians,

On behalf of the Day Bargaining Team I would like to provide you with an update on our progress, or rather, on our lack of progress.  The team met with management for the fourth time on May 15th where we received two additional proposals.

Management made no response to our housekeeping and clarification items, which we gave them on January 31st, nor a single item in our comprehensive proposal, which we gave them on April 18th.

At this point, we have yet to receive a full proposal from management, but they did indicate that they will have proposals on post-tenure review and formulary increases.  We do not anticipate that their proposals will be beneficial to you, but we are interested in hearing what they have to propose.

We are still waiting for a financial package and management has told us that the administration (governor) has not “authorized” them to make an offer.  There are two bargaining sessions (June 12th and June 21st) before the expiration of the contract on June 30th.

The team and MSCA Board of Directors are extremely concerned about the lack of progress due to management stalling the process.  Please stay in touch with your Chapter President and watch for posts on the MSCA website and Twitter posts as we initiate next steps in our action plan.  We will continue to provide updates throughout the summer.

Thank you for your continued support.

Amy Everitt
Chair, Day Bargaining Team