Call for Legislative Proposals for the 2019-2020 Legislative Cycle

September 5, 2018

MTA has put out a call for legislative items for their legislative agenda (see details below).  The next two-year legislative cycle begins in January 2019.  If you would like the MSCA Board to consider supporting legislation please send a detailed proposal to the MSCA President who will put the item on the agenda for the October 5, 2018 MSCA Board of Directors meeting scheduled for the MTA Regional Service Center in Auburn, MA (48 Sword Street).

Since the MTA deadline for filing a proposal is 5:00 p.m. on October 5, 2018 (the same day the MSCA Board meets), you should submit your proposal directly to MTA.  If the MSCA Board chooses to support the proposal we will send someone with you to speak in favor of the proposal when the MTA’s Government Relations Committee (GRC) schedules a time for you to present your proposal in person to the GRC.

CJ O’Donnell
MSCA President


Message from MTA:

The Massachusetts Teachers Association is seeking input from members as it adds to the organization’s 2019-2020 legislative agenda. Our goals remain clear: Fully fund our schools, end high-stakes testing, protect the rights of our members and ensure the dignity of our retirees.

Because the Legislature failed to implement any of the recommendations of the Foundation Budget Review Commission, we are redoubling our efforts. As part of our campaign to fund our public schools and colleges, we fully expect to file MTA-backed legislation to create a modern foundation budget that serves students from prekindergarten through higher education.

Additionally, we intend to refile comprehensive legislation that ends the test and punish regimen of high-stakes standardized testing. High-stakes testing has become a weapon used to punish educators, rank-order students — particularly students of color — and narrow the whole purpose of public education. Our students are more than a score, and public opinion is on our side.

We are looking to MTA members for legislative proposals and suggestions that will support our goals of fully funding public education from prekindergarten through public higher education and ending the tyranny of high-stakes testing, as well as protecting our workforce against anti-union attacks and ensuring that our retirees’ earned benefits are protected.

Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the MTA’s Government Relations Committee, which will then make recommendations to the MTA Board of Directors.

Please click here to propose legislation to be filed for the MTA in the 2019-2020 legislative session. Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, October 5. If your local has a website, we urge you to post this message and encourage other members to join you in developing your proposal.

After reviewing submissions, the GRC may ask members to discuss their proposals in greater detail with the committee. Please indicate whether you would be willing to discuss your proposal in person at a GRC meeting. Feel free to include any supporting materials to show why your proposed legislation is needed.

The GRC will review member-submitted proposals and recommend a legislative package to the Board of Directors at its December 2018 meeting. Once the Board approves a final legislative package, the MTA will secure legislative sponsors and have the bills filed in January 2019.

Thank you.

Merrie and Max

P.S. Please note that the GRC is charged with developing legislation that will benefit the greatest number of members. Therefore, the GRC will not consider proposals (such as creditable service) that benefit just one individual or a small group. A guide will be made available to help these members pursue their legislative goals.