What New Day Contract Provisions Are Now In Effect?

We understand that given the recent and sudden settlement of the day contract, members may be unsure of which changes are currently in effect.  This communication is intended to clarify that.

In effect right now:

The COVID-19 vaccination requirement,

The requirement to wear a mask in public indoor spaces, but only if the university president has enacted such a mandate (you should check with your chapter president if you are unsure), and

Health and safety measures that expand on what was agreed to last year.  These include (see the MOA for full details):

  • Having free masks available if yours has been forgotten, lost or damaged
  • Requiring that in-person events and meetings be conducted taking into account the health and safety of attendees while allowing for members to participate remotely, if practicable
  • Enabling members to attend department meetings, governance committee meetings, and office hours remotely
  • Informing students that they are required to wear masks (if the university has a mask mandate in place), but not requiring members to enforce the mandate; allowing a member to dismiss students that do not comply; and allowing members to dismiss the class if a student does not comply and refuses to leave the area
  • Notifying members when a student in their in-person class has tested positive
  • Require members who tests positive for COVID-19 to isolate according to CDC guidelines; such member shall be allowed to work remotely during such isolation period
  • Allowing full-time members access to the sick leave bank to care for parents, children, and spouses for COVID-related illness
  • Making available free asymptomatic COVID-19 testing (not more than once a week); and requiring members to participate in surveillance testing if the university requires it.

All other provisions of the new day contract must be ratified.  When the final documents are drafted and signed, they will be posted on the MSCA website for you to read before we conduct ratification.

Regarding evaluations this year:

The submission of evaluation portfolios shall be handled as they were last year.  That is, the members are encouraged to submit materials digitally, however, paper submissions will be allowed.

There were numerous problems with the administration of student evaluations for day faculty during the Spring 2021 semester.  As a result, the presidents agreed to the following:

“In the event a tenured unit member was not provided the opportunity to select the course section(s) in which student evaluations were to be administered during the Spring 2021 semester, the unit member may now designate the section(s) for which administered student evaluations shall be retained.  Student evaluations of non-designated sections shall not be retained by the university and may not be considered in the 2021-2022 or future evaluation of the tenured unit member.  If the unit member has not yet seen the student evaluation results, the unit member shall make their designation without first seeing the student evaluation results.

“The absence of student evaluations in sections that were required to have student evaluations administered during the Spring 2021 semester shall not be considered, either positively or negatively in the evaluation of the unit member’s teaching effectiveness.”