We want your words and ideas! Opportunity to contribute to the MSCA Perspective

Dear colleagues,

As you may already know, this academic year we have re-launched our statewide newsletter, MSCA Perspective. You can see our first two issues at https://mscaunion.org/msca-perspective/. I am writing to you today to inform you of the opportunity to contribute to the newsletter. We are looking for articles that tell stories of union activism, highlight workplace issues on our campuses, or offer information and background on the conditions, trends and issues in higher education in general.

If you have an idea you’d like to propose, you can pitch to the newsletter editor, Aruna Krishnamurthy, at editor@mscaunion.org. Alternatively, if you have a completed article or column, we’d be delighted to consider it.

Guidelines: We aim for articles to be 250-600 words long, but longer articles will contain a “read more” hyperlink. This word count is very flexible! Effective articles tend to be written in straight-forward, non-jargonistic prose. Articles may include relevant hyperlinks and art–typically photographs related to your topic–that are not copyright protected. We also include a profile picture of the author(s).

The editor reserves the right to reject articles. Submissions will be edited and then copyedited by our editorial team and the MSCA President, and may include small revisions. Articles that receive initial tentative approval will not be published without your final signoff on the content to be posted. 

For our March issue, the deadline for submissions is February 28th. For proposals, we recommend you write to us by February 14th.

We hope to hear from you!

Aruna Krishnamurthy (Editor)
Virginia Rutter (Assistant Editor)
Rala Diakite (Assistant Editor)