State University COVID Vaccine Clinics

Please be reminded that all MSCA unit members are required to be vaccinated against COVID (including receiving booster shots as recommended by the CDC), except those with medical or religious exemptions.

To facilitate compliance, most of the state universities will be holding vaccine clinics on campus. Please check with the administration for details on times and which vaccines are available.

At this point, these are the clinics we are aware of:

Bridgewater State University:  The Wellness Center will host vaccination clinics on January 21 and January 24.  After that, they will host clinics every two weeks on Fridays (2/4, 2/18 etc.) for the duration of the Spring semester presuming there continues to be sufficient supply of vaccine through the DPH and sufficient demand on campus.  Both Pfizer and Moderna will be offered based on availability from DPH.

Fitchburg State University:  Planning monthly clinics throughout the Spring 2022 semester with the first being held on January 19, 2022.

Framingham State University:  Is working to find a vendor willing to offer an on-campus vaccination clinic in January, 2022.

MassArt:  As part of the Colleges of the Fenway consortium, the MassArt community has access to multiple on-campus vaccination clinics held at member campuses. The MassArt clinic is scheduled for February 2, 2022.

MCLA:  Is working to find a vendor willing to offer an on-campus vaccination clinic in January, 2022.

Mass Maritime: The Academy held two clinics in December and reports very high compliance rates for their campus community. As of last week, the Academy reports only 17 people who are eligible for a booster had not yet received it. The Academy is considering additional clinics later in the spring.

Salem:  Working with a vendor and planning a number of clinics through January, 2022. Clinic dates have not yet been confirmed.

Westfield:  Westfield has four clinics scheduled for January 12 (12:00 pm – 4:00 pm) and January 21 (10:00 am – 2:00 pm).  More dates will be added in February, 2022.

Worcester:  Scheduling multiple clinics (as needed) over the coming weeks with the first being held on January 20, 2022.