Salem Committees

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Contract and Non-contract Committee Appointments

Guide to University Committees

Chapter Committee Appointments:

Communications Committee
Chenault, Tiffany (SOC)
Hains, Rebecca (COM)
Walker, Peter (ENG)
Gonsalves,  Joanna (PSY) – Liaison
Gubbins, James (IDS) – Ex Officio

Membership Outreach and Events Committee
Chen, Changquing (CHE/PHY)
Fahey, Cathy (LIB)
Harvey, Michael (THE)
Moske-Weber, Charlene (NUR)

Political Action Committee
Gonsalves, Joanna (PSY)
Kudrimoti, Sanjay (ACC/FIN)
Levy, Richard (POL)
Mulcare, Daniel (POL)