How We Did It… MSCA Members’ Perspective

Dear MSCA faculty and librarians, 

This June, with its welcome intimations of summer, marks the end of a gruelling semester for all of us in higher education. The changes we endured to every aspect of our lives in the last three months, and the rapidity with which “all that was solid melted into air” would give the greatest sci-fi or fantasy writer a run for their money! But through the daily challenges and uncertainties (that continue to plague us), there was a still point in our changing universe, which was our work as teachers and librarians, and our enduring commitment to our students. This issue of the Perspective highlights the experiences of faculty and librarians as they grappled with an altered work environment and through their heroic struggle gained valuable insights to share with us. It showcases members from all nine campuses as well as a range of voices and disciplines.

The narratives and reflections in this newsletter unequivocally affirm the values (that often go unacknowledged in the public sphere) that we adhere to as teachers and librarians, even, and especially, in a time of crisis: hard work, resourcefulness, and above all, total dedication to our students and their welfare. As we await news about fall teaching, health and safety issues, budget freezes and job losses — so far, “no light, but rather darkness visible” — I hope that you will find solace and wisdom in this issue of the MSCA Perspective.

Aruna Krishnamurthy
Editor, MSCA Perspective