GIC to reconsider eliminating Carriers #GICfail

Please see  the email from the GIC below.  We need to keep the pressure on Charlie Baker and his GIC.
From: “GIC.Events (GIC)” <>
Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 10:57 AM
Subject: Important Update


GIC Members & Coordinators,
As a result of candid feedback from members and stakeholders, the agenda of the next GIC Commission meeting on Thursday, February 1 will include a motion for reconsideration of the recent vote to narrow carriers. While the goal of the GIC action to narrow options was to provide members with continuous coverage in a comparable plan while retaining their networks and doctors, and simultaneously controlling out-of-pocket and premium costs, the GIC recognizes that there is opportunity to better engage stakeholders more directly and robustly in the strategic process moving forward.
What does this mean?
The GIC is recommending, for the February 1st meeting, a motion to reconsider the recent vote which resulted in consolidating insurance carriers. If that vote is successful, a further motion will be put forward to accept the full list of finalists to the health plan portfolio. This list will include the current slate of insurance carriers currently in the GIC portfolio.
Please continue to reach the GIC with questions via our website and main telephone line (617) 727-2310.  
Thank you,