Fund Our Future

Defend Public Higher Ed Now

This page will be populated as the MTA campaign to Fund Our Future advances.

We urge members to attend the May 16, 2019 rallies scheduled for the State House in Boston (1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.) and Boston Common (5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.), and on the steps of City Hall in Springfield (beginning at .

Here is a link to a week-long teach-in that was conducted at Salem State University April 16-22, 2019.

Resolution passed unanimously at the 2019 MSCA Delegate Assembly:

WHEREAS, the MTA campaign to Fund Our Future (FOF) is an opportunity for members to use their collective power to demand and win long overdue funding for our public schools, colleges and universities; and

WHEREAS, the FOF campaign is designed to pass MTA sponsored legislation that will increase funding for public higher education by more than $500 million per year through the implementation of the core findings of the 2014 Higher Education Finance Commission (the Cherish  Act); and

WHEREAS, the Cherish Act bill would, over five years, restore state per-student spending on public higher education to the inflation-adjusted levels achieved in fiscal year 2001; and

WHEREAS, after years of being told that we need to do more with less, the Fund Our Future initiative and the Cherish Act represent an important opportunity to restore the necessary funding to provide students with the education they deserve, support our contracts and to make college more accessible so that we can serve our mission as state universities; and

WHEREAS, this opportunity can only be realized with the full and activation of MSCA members acting in coalition with students and the community; and

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the MSCA endorses the Fund Our Future campaign and encourages full membership participation; and

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the MSCA will encourage full membership participation in the following ways:

First, in collaboration with the MTA and PHENOM, the MSCA Board of Directors will work with local chapters to coordinate buses from all campuses so that faculty from every campus can attend the Fund Our Future Rally at the Statehouse in Boston on May 16.

Second, the MSCA Board of Directors will work with local chapters to assure that all members are informed about the ongoing campaign and opportunities to participate in future campaign events. Third, the MSCA Board of Directors will work with MTA field staff and MTA organizers to ensure that all members receive regular updates about pending actions and updates on the legislation through the end of the legislative session.