DGCE Bargaining Stalls

Dear MSCA/DGCE Faculty,

The MSCA has been involved in negotiations for a successor to the 2012-02014 DGCE contract throughout the winter. We have resolved all outstanding language matters that were placed on the table by both parties, but we are not close on financial matters. Therefore, at the session on March 6th, we felt it was necessary to seek mediation to settle the financial matter. We have jointly filed a petition with the Department of Labor Relations for mediation.

For your information, the MSCA’s current financial proposal is to increase stipends by 2.5% on each July 1st and each January 1st from January 1, 2015 through June 30 2017.

The BHE/presidents’ current financial proposal is to increase stipends by 1.5% at the start of each spring instructional session.

We understand that the MSCA’s proposal is greater than what has been agreed to by every other statewide union in Massachusetts, but the MSCA DGCE unit is among the lowest paid in higher education.

The BHE/presidents’ proposal is less than half what every other statewide union in Massachusetts has agreed to.

The MSCA’s goal for some time has been to reach, or at least make progress towards, parity with the day part-time faculty rate. We are concerned that the BHE/presidents’ offer widens the gap between the rates rather than closing it. The bargaining team could not in good conscience agree to that.

We will keep you apprised during mediation.

Don Bullens
DGCE Bargaining Chair

C. J. O’Donnell
MSCA President