Day Part-time Faculty Stipend Rates Established

October 15, 2019

Dear MSCA Day Part-Time Faculty,

I am writing to let you know that yesterday the MSCA and the presidents agreed to the day part-time, per-credit rates in the 2017-2020 day collective bargaining agreement. The rates are as follow:

July 1, 2017: $1,801.49
July 1, 2018: $1,888.01
July 1, 2019: $1,953.83

For Music Instructors at Westfield State University, the per-hour rates are:

July 1, 2017: $67.69
July 1, 2018: $70.43
July 1, 2019: $72.24

These rates equate to a 4.31% increase on July 1, 2017; a 4.80% increase on July 1, 2018 and a 3.49% increase on July 1, 2019. Over the three-year contract the increase is 13.13%.

You may recall that on October 4, 2019 the MSCA Board of Directors accepted management’s computation of $1,801.40 rate for July 1, 2017. After that acceptance both parties found errors in the data or computations, which were resolved yesterday.

We understand different universities are implementing some of the increases, on different dates and possibly at different rates. Additional adjustments to the above agreed-to rates will be necessary.

CJ O’Donnell
MSCA President