Campus Visits from Bargaining Team Members

The MSCA 2020-2023 Day Contract Bargaining team has developed additional steps and opportunities for creating more direct input from members as we formulate our plans for the next contract. 

Recently, many of you completed our questionnaire designed to learn as much as possible about general topics of concern. The Day Bargaining Team has reviewed the responses to the questionnaire that was posted on Survey Monkey. We received nearly 950 responses. Thank you for participating.

As we move forward toward bargaining we will complete the following steps to collect as much input as possible from our members: 

October:  Campus Visits from Bargaining Team Members
These visits are meant to provide opportunities for members to give input on issues that matter to their campus and individual work conditions. In addition to your own chapter leadership, members from the bargaining team will be present to expand our understanding of these conversations and issues.

Chapter presidents have scheduled the following dates and times for these meetings; please contact your chapter president for the location.

Bridgewater: October 16                  9:00 – 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Fitchburg:              October 15&16           3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Framingham:         October 7                    1:30 – 2:30 p.m. (info session at 12:45 p.m.)
MassArt:               October 9                    4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
MCLA:                 October 24                  12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Mass Maritime:     October 23                  4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Salem:                   Date TBA Time TBA
Westfield:             October 17 & 23 Times TBA
Worcester:             October 22                  4:00 – 5:30 p.m.

The format will vary at the discretion of the chapter presidents. The bargaining team has proposed questions from the responses received on the questionnaire to help facilitate the conversations. However, we value input beyond these questions and encourage direction from faculty and librarians present at the sessions as well. The team encourages the use of breakout groups during these sessions to encourage as many members as possible to participate in the conversation.

November: The Pre-Bargaining Survey
Using the materials from our open-ended questionnaire and the campus visits, the bargaining team will construct a pre-bargaining survey that will go out to all unit members. The team intends to have the final pre-bargaining survey posted on Survey Monkey early in November. The survey will close before Thanksgiving.

November:  Chapter Resolutions
MSCA chapters (union members only) may pass resolutions at chapter meetings. Members seeking to do so should contact their chapter presidents about getting on the meeting agenda. Resolutions must be received by the bargaining team no later than the close of the pre-bargaining survey.  Please have resolutions sent to the bargaining team through the chapter presidents.

Resolutions and the pre-bargaining survey results will be presented to union members in an executive session format, and will be available in the chapter offices for union members to review. This new approach to pre-bargaining asks members to be much more involved than in the past. We believe that such involvement will enhance our overall bargaining platform and provide the necessary information to our team to ensure the strongest proposals we can offer. Likewise, we are eager for all faculty and librarians to be as up to date as possible about bargaining processes. Your participation in this stage is greatly appreciated – and we value your continued engagement as we go to the bargaining table.

MSCA Day Bargaining Team