Adjunct Faculty Bill – MTA Briefing

Dear Part-time and DGCE Faculty,

Please join the MTA for a member briefing on the Adjunct Faculty bill (An Act to ensure fair public higher education workplaces) tonight from 7:30-8:30 pm. The bill proposes significant changes to the nature of adjunct work, including:

  • Health Insurance: Provide adjunct faculty who teach the equivalent of half time or more with access to health insurance and state pension options.  
  • Fair wage: Require per-course pay parity with full-time, non-tenure track faculty of comparable qualifications for adjunct faculty.  
  • Retirement benefit: Establish a minimum of a 7.5 percent state contribution to the SMART Plan retirement account for faculty who work less than half time, and access to pension system for those teaching half time or more.
  • Job Security: Create a fund and mechanism for increasing the number of tenure-track faculty at public colleges and universities, and giving current adjunct faculty notice and priority consideration for new full-time positions.  

Member Briefing on An Act to ensure fair public higher education workplaces

Thursday, October 14th—7:30 to 8:30 pm— Via Zoom: Register Here

Can’t make the meeting but want to take action for fair working conditions for adjunct faculty?  Email your legislators today and ask them to support this legislation.  

This briefing for MTA members will review Senate Bill 1732, an Act to ensure fair public higher education workplaces.  This bill addresses some of the biggest challenges facing adjunct faculty in the State and Community Colleges, including wages, benefits, and job security.  You’ll hear from MTA Government Relations Specialist Sean King about the details of the bill and how you can take action to support it.  Adjunct faculty members Laura Schlegal (Holyoke Community College), Michael Stassen (Fitchburg State College),  Phyllis Keenan (Greenfield Community College), and DGCE bargaining chair Irina Seceleanu speak about how these issues impact them, their students and the vitality of our campus communities.