Minutes of the Regular Meeting
April 2, 2004
Worcester State College

J. Ambacher, B. Art, G. Concannon, P. Hogan, P. Markunas, P. McGee, J. McKeon, F. Minasian, C. O’Donnell, G. Price, S. Schlosberg, M. Seider, G. Tetrault, J. Stonehouse, D. Twiss.

D. Sirutis, R. Whalen (MTA)

Approval of the Orders of the Day and the Minutes:
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m.

It was moved and seconded to amend the orders of the day to hear the grievance report and related issues. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the March 5, 2004, meeting. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded that the MSCA grievance secretary be allowed to work up to 32 hours per week. The motion passed.

President's Report:
G. Tetrault (Westfield) was nominated to serve on the MSCA Credentials Committee.

It was moved and seconded to award a plaque to Dr. Jeffrey Ryan as part of the special recognition award at this year’s Assembly. The cost of the plaque is not to exceed $50. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to award Dr. Ryan $500 as part of the special recognition award. The motion passed.

Dr. Ryan is receiving special recognition for refusing to meet with Secretary of Education Paige over the Secretary's ridiculous characterization of the NEA. President Markunas discussed BHE issues, pension reform proposals, GIC changes, the Delegate Assembly, the MTA annual meeting, the ERC and a letter from Sen. Diane Wilkerson.

Vice President's Report:
Vice President Minasian reported on his and President Markunas' meeting with the college presidents and trustees at Framingham State College. It is his opinion that the presidents and trustees "will be right behind" the MSCA in dealing with BHE reorganization issues.

Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Price discussed the difficulty of receiving accurate and timely DGCE lists from the colleges. This is an ongoing problem.

It was moved and seconded to pay delegates who attend Friday's session $75. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to pay delegates who attend Saturday's session $100. Hotel and mileage will be paid. The motion was amended to include parking. The motion was passed as amended.

DGCE ratification vote: 114 yes, 4 no, 10 challenges. The DGCE contract is ratified. The Treasurer presented the 2005 MSCA budget and dues. It was moved and seconded to adopt the proposed budget and dues for FY 2005.

It was moved and seconded to amend the proposed budget by transferring $9000 from 9040 (printing costs) to 9110 (local support). The motion was defeated.

It was moved and seconded to increase full time dues $7 and part time dues proportionately to be dedicated to local support. The motion was defeated.

It was moved and seconded to amend the proposed budget by transferring $5000 from 9040 (printing) to 9110 (local support). The motion passed. The 2005 Budget and Dues, as amended, were adopted.

Secretary's Report:
The secretary passed.

Local chapter Reports:
Bridgewater S. C.: Concerned about redefining evaluation criteria.
Framingham S. C.: Contract courses a problem.
Mass. Art: Faculty unhappy with union's posture.
MCLA: Affirmative action discussions with students and faculty.
MMA: Big raises for administrators. Positions being filled without postings. The "White Paper" issue still out there.
Salem S. C.: Performance measurement an issue. It's in governance.
Westfield S. C.: Waiting for new president. Release time issues. Non-compliance with contract caps for full and part time faculty. Worcester S. C.: It was moved and seconded to request that MTA offer contract courses through the colleges' regular day and DGCE programs. The motion passed. It was moved and seconded that the MTA Board and its Executive Committee support a proposed line item in House One for retroactive payment to the MTA Health and Welfare Trust Fund. The motion passed.

Bargaining Report:
The parties are in mediation over the day contract and are moving to fact finding on the one-year deal.

The meeting adjourned at 3:01 p.m.