Minutes of the Regular Meeting
February 13, 2004
Framingham State College

Members Present: J. Ambacher, B. Art, G. Concannon, A. Feldman, N. George, P. Hogan, P. Markunas, P. McGee, J. McKeon, F. Minasian, C. O'Donnell, L. Paolillo, G. Price, S. Schlosberg, M. Seider, G. Tetrault, J. Stonehouse, D. Twiss.
Guests: P. Lyons, D. Sirutis, R. Whalen (MTA)

Approval of the Orders of the Day and the Minutes:
The meeting was called to order at 9:40 a.m. It was moved and seconded to approve the orders of the day.

It was moved and seconded to change the order of business in order to discuss MSCA employee salaries as the first item of business. The motion passed. The amended orders of the day passed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the Minutes of December 5, 2003. Director Twiss noted one correction. The minutes were approved as corrected.

President's Report:
Treasurer Price distributed in writing four motions. The Chair ruled that, in accordance with the amended orders of the day, Motion #2 was required to be considered first. The Chair's ruling was sustained by vote of the Board.

It was moved and seconded to approve Motion #2 that the hourly salaries of the MSCA president's secretary, the grievance secretary, the MSCA treasurer's bookkeeper, and the MSCA treasurer's database specialist be raised by $2.25 per hour retroactive to January 1, 2004. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to approve Motion #1 that the Board of Directors conducts the business of the MSCA by having meetings where Motions are prepared and seconded by members of the Board, the motions are fully and openly discussed, and the motions are voted on by members of the Board.

It was moved and seconded to table the motion. The motion to table passed.

It was moved and seconded to approve Motion #3 that benefits of MSCA hourly employees be equitable. The motion was amended without objection to refer this issue to an MSCA special committee to be appointed by the MSCA president and to report to the MSCA Budget Committee. Motion #3 as amended passed.

It was moved and seconded to approve Motion #4 that transfers $7200 from the discretionary line item 9100 to line item 9020 administrative salaries/payroll taxes. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to appoint Peter Hogan to the MSCA grievance committee. The motion passed.

The MSCA president appointed Ben Jacques to replace Pat Johnston as editor of the MSCA Perspective effective June 1, 2004. It was moved and seconded to change the date for the MSCA Liability Workshop to fall 2004. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to accept the report of the nominations and election supervisor. The motion passed. The certified candidates for the 2004 MSCA officers election are as follows: Patricia V. Markunas,President, Frank S. Minasian,Vice President, Gail A. Price, Treasurer, Marcia K. Anderson,Secretary, Nancy George, Secretary.

It was moved and seconded to change the deadline for photos and biographical statements of MSCA certified officer candidates from February 13, 2004, to February 18, 2004. The motion passed.

President Markunas discussed House One, the SJC decision on same sex marriage, the BHE, excess workload credits and upcoming conferences. It was noted that MTA attorney Lee Weissinger is preparing a legal opinion on overload compensation.

It was moved and seconded that the MSCA Board of Directors support the recent decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court concerning same sex marriage (Goodrich vs. The Commonwealth) and oppose any constitutional amendment that compromises that decision. The motion passed.

Vice-President's Report:
The MSCA Treasurer, Gail Price, discussed the upcoming MSCA budget.

She made the following motion: That a pool for the NCHE conference be established at $3600, stipends for this conference will not exceed $600 per person. Attendees must be NCHE members and attendees must show proof of registration.

It was moved to table the motion on NCHE. The motion failed for lack of a second.

It was moved and seconded to close debate. The motion passed. The motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m. Gerald Concannon, Secretary, MSCA