Minutes of the Regular Meeting
November 7, 2003
MTA Regional Office -Auburn

Members Present:
J. Ambacher, G. Concannon, N. George, P. Hogan, P. Markunas, P. McGee, F. Minasian, G. Price, S. Schlosberg, M. Seider, C. Stigliano, J. Stonehouse, G. Tetrault, D. Twiss.
P. Lyons, D. Sirutis, R. Whalen (MTA)

Approval of the Orders of the Day and the Minutes:
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m.

It was moved and seconded to approve the orders of the day. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the Minutes of October 3, 2003. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the appointments of A. Feldman (Framingham) to the MSCA (day) Bargaining Committee and M. Snyder (Fitchburg) to the MSCA Salary Database Committee. The motion passed.

Priscilla Lyons (MTA) reported on the progress of the campaign to fund the higher education contracts. She was optimistic about the chances of legislative adoption of a supplemental budget that would include funding for these contracts. She thanked President Markunas, Vice President Minasian and the MSCA Board of Directors for their strong support of the campaign to fund the contracts.

President’s Report:
President Markunas reported on action in support of higher education funding including testimony at the Public Services Committee Hearing, newspaper communications, her letter to the Governor and HEUU activities. She presented a proposal to hold a general Conference on Liability Issues for faculty and librarians in the spring semester.

It was moved and seconded to hold a conference on liability issues for faculty and librarians in the spring semester. The motion passed.

The president finished her report with informational items that included consideration of the NCHE meeting to be held in Seattle in March 2004.

Vice-President’s Report:
Vice President Minasian discussed his work with new member workshops, lobbying, the MTA governmental relations committee, the MSCA legislation committee and privileged communications. He also announced his candidacy for Vice President of the MSCA.

Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Price noted good dues returns and some savings on secretarial help.

It was moved and seconded to increase local support from ten thousand dollars to twenty thousand dollars by transferring $2000 from the discretionary account, $2000 from the convention account and $6000 from the negotiations account. The motion was withdrawn.

It was moved and seconded to use $4500 from the 9100 account. (discretionary) to award $500 grants to each local chapter. The motion passed. It was moved to waive MSCA dues for unit members teaching a single credit. The MSCA president (Chair) declared the motion to be out of order because the MSCA Board lacks the authority to change the dues once set by the MSCA Delegate Assembly. The ruling of the Chair was challenged.

It was moved and seconded to sustain the ruling of the Chair. The motion passed. The dues waiver motion was referred to the Ad Hoc Budget Committee for its consideration.

Secretary’s Report:
The Secretary passed.

Special Report of the MSCA Elections Committee:
The MSCA president presented the Rules and Calendar for the 2004 MSCA Officers Election in the absence of the Elections Supervisor, Sandra Faiman-Silva.

It was moved and seconded to amend the rules by putting the asterisks on page. 2 at the bottom of page 2. The motion passed. It was moved and seconded to close debate on the rules. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to adopt the election rules as amended. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the draft calendar for the election. It was agreed to spell out the name of the supervising agency (the American Arbitration Association). The motion passed.

Local Chapter Presidents’ Reports:
Bridgewater – Everything is okay. Fitchburg – Things are improving. 18 new faculty are to be hired.

Framingham – Raised local dues $15. A librarian received a substantial retroactive pay adjustment.

Mass. Art – Problems with the enrollment of graduate students in day undergraduate courses. New Partnership plan with BHE proceeding toward a vote by the board of trustees.

MCLA – Discussed success of the labor/peace assembly and the working condition of Iraq’s public employees.

Mass Maritime - It was moved and seconded that the MSCA Board of Directors support the MMA faculty’s rejection of the special mission college proposal that alters the relationship between the Board of Higher Education and the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. The motion passed unanimously.

It was moved and seconded that the MSCA Board of Directors inform the MMA President, the MMA Board of Trustees, the MTA Higher Education Division, Senators O’Leary and Murray, the state college presidents., Fred Clark, Steve Tocco, Judith Gill and Mark Peters of its support of the MMA faculty’s rejection of the Special Mission College Proposal that alters the relationship between the Board of Higher Education and the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. The motion passed unanimously.

Westfield - Motion: It was moved and seconded to go into executive session. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to come out of executive session. The motion passed. Worcester – Trouble staffing evaluation committees.

MSCA Committee Reports:
Day Bargaining: No action DGCE: waiting for mediation. Ridiculous pay offer.

Grievance: Arbitrations still slow. Peer evaluation committees a problem.

Legislation: To meet in December.

Librarian Concerns: Trying to get non-campus e-mail set up for secure communications.

Salary Database: Continuing to gather data.

Health & Welfare: Payment problems. Loss ratio is 100%. Companies losing 16%. Standby for an increase.

MTA Reports:
D. Sirutis focused on veteran’s rights with regard to higher education. Veterans employed three or more years may be entitled to tenure.

B. Whalen spoke about privacy issues with regard to students: third party disclosure, state and federal privacy laws.

The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.

Gerald Concannon, Secretary, MSCA