April 26, 2003
Fitchburg State College

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m.

President Markunas introduced the MSCA officers, Catherine Schwenk, the Parliamentarian, Ethelyn Callaghan, the Recorder, Michael Rivard, Acting President of Fitchburg State College, and guests from the MTA (Donna Sirutis, Bob Whalen and Arline Isaacson). She extended thanks to Peter Hogan, FSC Chapter President, Lucy Marcil, FSC Chapter Secretary, Jane Fiste, MSCA President's secretary and the delegates for making the Assembly possible.

After greetings were given by Michael Rivard and Peter Hogan, Jean Stonehouse, Chairperson of the Credential Committee, reported 39 registered delegates and 7 guests.

It was moved and seconded to adopt the report of the Committee. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to adopt the Standing Rules. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to adopt the Agenda of the Assembly. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to adopt the Minutes of the 2002 MSCA Delegate Assembly. The motion passed.

Special Report on the FY 2004 State Budget
Arline Isaacson, MTA Government Services Consultant, addressed the Assembly on the fiscal year 2004 state budget (House One) and its ramifications for higher education. The House One budget would cut $170,000,000 from higher education accounts. There would be no money for library purchases and the state employee share of the group health insurance premium would be increased from 15% to 25%. She outlined MTA’s priorities in dealing with House One: MTA will fight to retain 85/15 health insurance premiums; it will lobby that the $30,000,000 allocated to the Board of Higher Education be redistributed to the higher education campus line-items; and it will lobby the state to borrow money, retain the Pacheco Law and adopt new taxes.

Ms. Isaacson laid out strategies for MTA leaders that included educating members, activating members, educating and activating natural allies and getting members to participate.

Second Report of the Credentials Committee
Chairperson Stonehouse reported 47 delegates and 9 guests. It was moved and seconded to accept the report of the Credentials Committee. The motion passed.

President's Report:
President Markunas discussed her activities over the past year that included campaigning for candidates who are supportive of the goals of the MSCA. She outlined her activities in battling the current assault on public higher education. She has been active on Beacon Hill and the campuses, has worked closely with the state college Council of Presidents and the students, and used the MSCA Perspective to get the message out there: Public Higher Education Works. President Markunas also commented on her activities with day and DGCE negotiations, the union's fiscal crisis, and the Employee Relations Committee.

Vice President's Report:
Vice President Minasian reported on his legislative work, new member workshops, the MTA Governmental Relations Council and the Employee Relations Committee. He is also active in day bargaining and chairs the MSCA Grievance Committee.

Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Price went through the details of the fiscal year 2004 budget of the MSCA. She addressed a number of issues on funding and what MSCA dues are buying.

It was moved and seconded to adopt the Treasurer's report. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to adopt the Fiscal Year 2004 budget and dues structure for MSCA. The motion passed.

Secretary's Report:
Secretary Concannon thanked those MSCA members who volunteered to attend the NEA RA in New Orleans this coming summer.

Committee Reports:
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity/Diversity
Lori Dawson, Chairperson, spoke to contract language especially with regard to due process. She called for a review of the affirmative action plan of the Board of Higher Education.

It was moved and seconded that whereas the Massachusetts State College Association is committed to the elimination and prevention of racial, sexual, ethnic or religious discrimination or any form of discrimination prohibited by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or the Government of the United States, it is hereby resolved that the Massachusetts State College Association is hereby committed to incorporating through collective bargaining in the pursuant Agreement between the Massachusetts State College Association and the Board of Higher education, and all Agreements subsequent, that violations of Fair Practices as described in the current Agreement between the Massachusetts State College Association and the Board of Higher Education, Article II, Paragraphs 1-7, shall confer upon persons rights enforceable under the terms of the current pursued Agreement and all Agreements subsequent, and that the enforcement of such rights under the pursuant Agreement and Agreements subsequent, in any other administrative, judicial or like proceeding shall not terminate the enforcement of such rights under the pursuant Agreement and Agreements subsequent.

President Markunas ruled the motion out of order.

It was moved and seconded to sustain the ruling of the chair. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to accept the report of the committee. The motion passed.

Health and Welfare Trust
Dave Twiss, Trustee, warned that the employer was not keeping pace with contributions to the Trust.

It was moved and seconded to accept the report. The motion passed.

Grievance Committee
Frank Minasian, Chairperson, noted that the MSCA has a backlog of fifty cases at the arbitration level. He also spoke to the MSCA's victories that have expanded members' rights.

Legislative Committee
Frank Minasian, Chairperson, described the activities of this committee which busied itself with lobbying and testifying on behalf of the MSCA legislative agenda.

It was moved and seconded to accept the report. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to accept the report. The motion passed.

Salary Database Committee
Christopher O'Donnell, Chairperson, reviewed the Committee's work and noted the recovery of $17,000 for additional professional development monies for faculty and librarians.

Day Bargaining Committee
Brad Art, Chairperson, spoke against privatization and for the assertion of academic rights. He advised the delegates to lobby hard to defeat Governor Romney's proposals concerning collective bargaining.

It was moved and seconded to accept the report. The motion passed.

DGCE Bargaining Committee
David Twiss, Chairperson, reported that the employer was unprepared to begin bargaining.

It was moved and seconded to accept the report. The motion passed.

Committee on Librarian Concerns
Nancy George, Chairperson, spoke to librarian protections, retention and hiring.

It was moved and seconded to accept the report. The motion passed.

Final Report of the Credentials Committee
Chairperson Stonehouse reported no change from the previous report of 47 delegates and 9 guests.

It was moved and seconded to accept the report. The motion passed.

New Business
MTA Director's Report
The MTA Annual Report was delivered by MTA Director Len Paolillo. He referred delegates to his prepared report, which outlined MTA activities especially its concern with the Social Security issue, i.e., GPO/WEP and MTA/NEA's ongoing attempts to repeal these odious laws. He discussed the MTA dues structure and indicated that the MTA Board was recommending no increase in dues for fiscal year '04.

It was moved and seconded to accept the report. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 12:55 p.m.

Gerald Concannon
Secretary, MSCA