Massachusetts State College Association
2002 Delegate Assembly
April 27, 2002
Worcester State College

The meeting was called to order by President Markunas, who introduced her fellow MSCA officers, Ethelyn Callaghan, the stenographer, and Catherine Schwenk, the Parliamentarian. Greetings were delivered by President Kaylan Ghosh of Worcester State College and Worcester/MSCA Chapter President David Twiss.

The first report of the Credentials Committee was 39 delegates and five guests. It was moved and seconded to adopt the report. The motion carried.

It was moved and seconded to adopt the Standing Rules as distributed. The motion carried.

It was moved and seconded to adopt the Agenda for the 2002 Delegate Assembly. It was moved and seconded to add the MTA Director's Report under New Business. The motion carried. It was moved and seconded to add two more items under New Business (opposition to the repeal of the estate tax and support for the repeal of Social Security offset provisions). The motion carried. It was moved and seconded to add consideration of an endorsement of Catherine Boudreau for MTA president under New Business. The motion carried. The Agenda, as amended, was adopted.

It was moved and seconded to include Catherine Schwenk's name in the Minutes of the 2001 MSCA Delegate Assembly. The motion carried. The Minutes of the 2001 Delegate Assembly were adopted as amended.

MTA lobbyist, Arline Isaacson, spoke to the budget crisis for fiscal 2003. Her analysis of the 2003 budget included a plea for new taxes. It was moved and seconded to allow Ms. Isaacson to exceed the rules' time limit in order to finish her comprehensive analysis. The motion passed.

The second report of the Credentials Committee was 51 delegates and 10 guests. It was moved and seconded to adopt the report. The motion carried.

MSCA Officers' Reports
President's Report. President Markunas reported on a wide range of items including her work on contract funding, lobbying, for the Domestic Partnership Bill, the MSCA web page, the Defense of Marriage Bill, and reporting of MCAS scores on high school transcripts, among other items. She thanked the membership for its support in the recent MSCA officers' election.

Vice President's Report. Vice President Minasian addressed his numerous responsibilities from collective bargaining to legislative lobbying. He also outlined his work with the Employee Relations Committee. He thanked the membership for its support in the recent MSCA officers' election.

Treasurer's Report. Treasurer Price thanked the membership for its support in the MSCA officers' election. She outlined the fiscal situation of the MSCA. It was moved and seconded to adopt the proposed MSCA budget and dues structure for FY 2003.

The Treasurer's method of presentation was questioned. It was moved and seconded to challenge the Chair's ruling to allow Treasurer Price to continue her presentation. The Chair's ruling was sustained by vote of the Assembly.

It was moved and seconded to close debate. The motion carried. The motion to adopt the MSCA dues structure and budget for FY 2003 carried unanimously.

It was moved and seconded to accept the report of the Treasurer. The motion carried.

Secretary's Report. Secretary Concannon encouraged participation in the union's conferences and meetings and thanked the delegates for their support in the MSCA's recent election.

Proposed Amendment to the MSCA Constitution

It was moved and seconded to accept the following amendment to Article VII, Section 6 of the MSCA constitution (language to be inserted appears in boldface):

Section 6: Affirmative Action, The Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, Diversity (AA/EQ/DIV) Committee shall serve as a liaison between, and a resource for, campus AA/EO/DIV committees. It shall disseminate affirmative action, equal opportunity and diversity information to all members; organize statewide workshops/conferences under the direction of the MSCA; and monitor campus AA/EO/DIV practices. The Committee will monitor compliance with the current "Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, Diversity Plan of the State Colleges of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts," or its successor. In addition, it shall serve as a resource to the Bargaining Committee to aid it in insuring that the contract is in concert with affirmative action, equal opportunity and diversity guidelines.

The amendment was adopted by an unanimous vote of the Assembly.

[As a result of the passage of this amendment, an editorial change is required in Article VII (Committee and Appointments), Section 1 (Standing Committees), line three, to change "Affirmative Action Committee" to "Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, Diversity Committee."]

Reports of MSCA Committee Chairpersons
Elections Committee. Chairperson Faiman-Silva certified the elections results: Patricia Markunas (President), Frank Minasian (Vice President), Gail Price (Treasurer) and Gerald Concannon (Secretary). It was moved and seconded to receive the report of the MSCA Nominations and Elections Supervisor. The motion carried.

Affirmative Action. Chairperson Dorsey presented his report. It was moved and seconded to receive the report. The motion carried.

Health & Welfare Trust. Trustee Twiss gave his report. It was moved and seconded to receive the report. The motion carried.

Grievance. Chairperson Minasian gave his report. It was moved and seconded to receive the report. The motion carried.

Legislation. Chairperson Minasian gave his report. It was moved and seconded to receive the report. The motion carried

Salary Database (ad hoc). In the absence of Chairperson O'Donnell, President Markunas presented his report. It was moved and seconded to receive the report. The motion carried.

Bargaining (Day). Chairperson Art gave his report. It was moved and seconded to receive the report. The motion carried.

Bargaining/DGCE. Chairperson Twiss gave his report. It was moved and seconded to receive the report. The motion carried.

The third report of the Credentials Committee was 51 delegates and 10 guests. It was moved and seconded to adopt the report of the Credentials Committee. The motion carried.

New Business

MSCA Friend of Education Award. The award was presented to former MSCA president, William Murphy.

Report of the MTA Director. Outgoing MTA Director McHale gave his report. It was moved and seconded to receive the report. The motion carried.

Opposition to Repeal of the Estate Tax. It was moved and seconded that, on behalf of the MSCA Delegate Assembly, the MSCA president communicate with Senators Kerry and Kennedy, to ask them to do everything in their power, including a filibuster, to stop the estate tax elimination from becoming a permanent part of the U. S. Tax Code. The motion carried.

Repeal of the Social Security Offset Provisions. It was moved and seconded that the MSCA Delegate Assembly support the NEA National Lobby Day on Social Security offsets by asking MSCA members to call their members of Congress on May 1 and urge them to repeal the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision of the Social Security law. The motion carried.

Endorsement of Catherine Boudreau. It was moved and seconded that the MSCA Delegate Assembly endorse Catherine Boudreau for MTA president. The motion carried unanimously.

It was moved and seconded to adjourn. The motion carried. The Assembly adjourned at 12:38 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Concannon
MSCA Secretary