Massachusetts State College Association
MSCA Board of Directors
April 26, 2002
Worcester State College

Members Present: J. Alberghene, B. Art, G. Concannon, A. Goyette, P. Markunas, P. McGee, J. McHale, J. McKeon, Jr., F. Minasian, L. Paolillo, G. Price, N. Price, S. Schlosberg, M. Seider, J. Tetrault, D. Twiss.
Guests: D. Sirutis, M. Stern, B. Whalen (MTA Consultants)

Approval of the Orders of the Day
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m.
The orders of the day were moved and seconded. The April 5th minutes were distributed. The minutes were tabled until the next Board meeting.

President’s Report
It was moved and seconded to elect the delegates to the MTA Annual Meeting in sections one and two as amended (substitute M. Kelly for G. Tetreault) of President Markunas’ memo of 17 April 2002 (attached). The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to elect the delegates (minus M. Kelly) in section three of President Markunas’ memo of 17 April 2002 (attached). The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to invite BHE Chair Tocco to meet with the MSCA Board on 31 May or at some other convenient time. The motion passed.

The Board thanked the following unit members for their service on the Board: N. Price, J. McKeon, A Goyette, J. Alberghene, and B. Mahaney. Their terms end prior to June 2002. The president discussed the board’s anti-merit letter, the state budget, political action, the BHE, COMA, and committee appointments before ending her report.

Vice President’s Report
The vice-president reported on legislative activity and the on-going debate on public documents. He also distributed the grievance report for the month of May 2002.

Treasurer’s Report
It was moved and seconded to reconsider the dues in the fiscal ‘03 MSCA budget as submitted for consideration at the 2002 Delegate Assembly. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to raise full-time dues from $50 to $75 for fiscal ’03 and proportionately for part timers. It was moved and seconded to amend the previous motion by increasing the full-time dues by $100 for fiscal ’03 and proportionately for part timers. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to allocate the additional $50 in MSCA dues in the following manner: $15 to negotiations, $15 to grievances and $20 to the discretionary/reserve account. The motion passed.

Secretary’s Report
The secretary deferred his report until the Assembly and ceded his time to the MTA reports.

MTA Reports
MTA higher education consultant, Donna Sirutis, outlined items required by the CBA to be transmitted to chapter presidents. She also discussed the budget crisis at Fitchburg State College and its ramifications for the rest of the state colleges.

MTA higher education consultants, Bob Whelan and Miles Stern, discussed issues related to MSCA/DGCE.

John McHale delivered his report as a director of MTA. The Board thanked Director McHale for his service which ends in June.

Local Chapter Presidents’ Reports
The local chapter presidents reported on the problems and activities on their campuses.

Committee Reports

Bargaining Committee
Brad Art delivered the day bargaining report and noted the lack of progress on distance education and intellectual property rights.

BHE/MTA Health and Welfare Trust Committee
Dave Twiss outlined changes in the BHE/MTA Health and Welfare Trust.

After some closing comments, the meeting adjourned at 2:56 p.m.

Gerald Concannon
MSCA Secretary