Massachusetts State College Association
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Worcester State College
April 5, 2002

Members Present: J. Alberghene, B. Art, G. Concannon, A. Goyette, P. Markunas, P. McGee, J. McKeon, Jr., F. Minasian, L Paolillo, G. Price, N. Price, S. Schlosberg, M. Seider, J. Tetrault, D. Twiss.
Guests: D. Sirutis, M. Stern, B. Whalen

Approval of the Orders of the Day:
It was moved and seconded to approve: the orders of the day the amended minutes of the March meeting. The motions passed.
It was moved and seconded to have President Markunas notify Bill Murphy that he is to be the recipient of the MSCA Friend of Education award at the MSCA Delegate Assembly. The motion passed.

President’s Report:
It was moved and seconded to adopt a procedure to elect alternate delegates to the MTA Annual Meeting as outlined in a 4/5/02 memo from President Markunas. The motion failed.

It was moved and seconded to cancel the gubernatorial candidates’ forum at the MSCA Delegate Assembly. The motion passed.

The MSCA Board wishes to recognize the efforts of the officers and Susan Orpilla, Kathleen Ell and Laura Casey-Pupek for their help in attempting to organize and conduct the candidates’ forum.

It was moved and seconded to support the rally for public higher education on Thursday, April 25, 2002. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to nominate Susan Holton (BSC) and Gregory Clement (SSC) to serve on the NEA Advisory Committee on Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to form a sub-committee to come up with an alternative procedure to elect alternate delegates to the MTA Annual Meeting. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded that the MSCA Board communicate with the BHE and the COP that the recent merit bonuses have had a negative impact on our colleges and that this letter be signed by all members of the MSCA Board. The motion passed.

President Markunas finished her report with some comments on the state budget and plans for political action.

Vice President’s Report:
The vice president reported on pending legislation, ad campaigns and upcoming rallies.

Treasurer’s Report:
It was moved and seconded to transfer $500 from the 9600 account, $2000 from the 9030 account, and $500 from the9060 account ($3000 total) to the 9070 account. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the delegate allocations for the MTA annual meeting as sent to chapters on March 18, 2002. The motion passed.

The treasurer’s motion on stipends and reimbursements for the MTA annual meeting was tabled.

It was moved and seconded to accept the 2003 MSCA budget proposal for discussion. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to accept the procedure to elect alternate delegates to the MTA annual meeting provided that additional seats (unfilled delegate seats) will be filled proportionately by chapter membership in MTA from the group of alternate delegates. Only ties will be drawn by lot. The motion passed.

The treasurer’s motion on stipends and reimbursements for the MTA annual meeting was placed back on the table. It was moved and seconded to amend the treasurer’s motion so as to reimburse fully the cost of hotel rooms. The motion passed.

The treasurer’s motion as amended: 1) $50 a day for food/parking 2) vote receipt required 3) full cost of hotel room to be reimbursed 4) mileage to be reimbursed The motion, as amended, passed.

It was moved and seconded that delegates who reserve a hotel room must attend Friday and Saturday sessions and will be responsible for the cost of the room if they fail to attend or cancel their reservation in time. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to increase the stipend for the webmaster to $2000. The motion failed. It was moved and seconded to eliminate the stipend for the DGCE bargaining chair for six months ($1200). The motion failed.

It was moved and seconded to reduce the affirmative action account by $1800. The motion passed. It was moved and seconded to accept the 2003 budget and dues report as amended. The motion passed.

Secretary’s Report:
The secretary moved the inclusion of an MCLA unit member as an NEA delegate. The chair declared the motion to be in violation of the NEA Constitution and therefore out of order. Nominations have been closed.

Bargaining Report:
B. Art and the bargaining committee are trying to settle intellectual property rights prior to the next round of bargaining. It was moved and seconded that B. Art be compensated (3 discretionary hours) for the fall and retroactively. The motion passed.

Elections Committee:
No official report was provided to the Board at this time. Candidates were notified of their re-election.

Grievance Report:
It was moved and seconded that the MSCA president send letters to the COP chair, the BHE chair, the Chancellor, with copies to the college presidents over the failure of the employer’s representative to provide five new names of arbitrators and schedule dates for arbitrations. The motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m. for lack of a quorum.

Gerald Concannon
MSCA Secretary