Massachusetts State College Association
Board of Directors
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
February 2, 2001
Westfield State College

Members Present: J. Alberghene, B. Art, G. Concannon, A. Goyette, P. McGee, W. Mahaney, P. Markunas, J. McKeon, F. Minasian, C. O’Donnell, L. Paolillo, G. Price, N. Price, S. Schlosberg, M. Seider, J. Stonehouse, J. Tetrault, D. Twiss.

Guests: Donna Sirutis, Bob Whalen, and Priscilla Lyons (MTA), Stan Jackson, (Westfield/MSCA), Paul Kelly (Siegal, Roitman and Coleman)

Approval of the Orders of the Day

It was moved and seconded to amend the orders of the day. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to accept the minutes of the December 29th meeting held in Natick. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to go into executive session for discussion of the DGCE tentative agreement. The motion passed.

Motions Reported Out of Executive Session:

A. That the MSCA Board of Directors recommend ratification by the membership of the 2000-2003 DGCE/COP Contract, which contains an agency fee provision.

B. That the membership ratification vote on the 2000-2003 DGCE/COP Contract be held on Tuesday, February 27th, from 2:00 – 7:00 p.m. at a location on each college campus to be determined by the local chapter president.

The motions passed.

Related Motions:
DGCE contract orientation: 22 Feb. 1-3:30 p.m. Worcester State College. Tabulation of ballots: 2 March at MTA Auburn office 3 p.m. Open to all. The motions passed.

It was moved and seconded to go into executive session to discuss litigation with Atty. Paul Kelly. The motion passed.

Motions Reported Out of Executive Session:
A. That the MSCA Board oppose the plaintiffs’ proposed action (Markunas, Mahaney and Sturgeon vs. Murphy, Faiman-Silva, John and Jane Doe and the Massachusetts State College Association) and that it instruct its attorney to actively oppose the request for legal fees from the MSCA.

B. That the MSCA Board establish a committee made up of the MSCA Vice President, the MSCA Treasurer, and the MSCA Secretary to meet with the attorney to carry out the motion to oppose the request for fees.

On roll call votes, both motions passed.

President’s Report:
It was moved and seconded to go ahead with the VOTE implementation program. The motion passed

It was moved and seconded to approve the following nominations to standing and ad hoc committees of the MSCA. The motion passed.

Credentials Committee
John Otieno (Salem)
Bruce Cohen (Worcester)

Elections Committee
Amy Everitt (Salem)

Constitution & Bylaws Committee
Massoud Farahbakhsh (Salem)
Charles Hetzel (Fitchburg)

Crisis Committee
Mark Raudzens (Salem)
Ben Jacques (MCLA)
Saul Levine (Mass Art)

Salary Database Committee
Marshall Kotzen (Worcester)

Resolutions Committee
Jacqueline Brennan (Worcester)

Legislation Committee
Frank Minasian (Worcester)
Kristine Doll (Salem)
Michael Konig (Westfield)
William Murphy (Bridgewater)
Arthur Goyette (Framingham)
Sam Schlosberg (Mass Art)

The MSCA president discussed the state budget for FY 2002, communications, the MSCA archives and organizing.

Vice President’s Report:
The Vice President discussed the disposition of MSCA equipment, pending legislation, and coordination of efforts with MTA lobbyist Arlene Issacson and MTA director, John McHale.

Treasurer’s Report:
It was moved and seconded that prior to entering a contract or making a purchase above $100 that it be checked with the MSCA Treasurer. The motion was approved.

Secretary’s Report:
The Secretary discussed the NEA RA to be held in Los Angeles July 2-6.

Local Chapter Presidents:
The chapter presidents discussed activities on their campuses.

Bridgewater State College Chapter moved:

That the Board of Directors of the MSCA draft and submit publicly to the Governor a petition that lists a bill of particulars with regard to BHE injustices in its dealings with the MSCA and to request his assistance in dealing with this problem. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded that the MSCA Board endorse Senate 299 filed by Senator Moore. This bill addresses salary equity with peer institutions. The motion passed.

Bargaining Report:
It was moved and seconded to go into executive session to discuss bargaining strategy.

Motions from executive session:

That the MSCA Board adopt six actions:

  1. Seek MTA assistance for a radio/newspaper campaign.
  2. President, Vice President, Consultant, Chair of Bargaining Committee seek through the mediator to meet with BHE Chairman Tocco, & Co.
  3. Bargaining session – February 16th
  4. Meet with COP Bargaining Committee Chair (Tinsley) by MSCA representatives re. #2.
  5. BHE members - picketing
  6. local campus activities

The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded that strategy positions be moved to the crisis committee for discussion where appropriate. The motion passed.

After brief reports from the Grievance Committee and the BHE/MTA Health and Welfare Trust, the meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Gerald Concannon, Secretary