Board Meeting Minutes: MSCA

Massachusetts State College Association
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
December 29, 2000
Crowne Point Plaza
Natick, MA

Members Present: P. Markunas, G. Price, J. Stonehouse, J. McKeon, N. Price, A. Goyette, S. Schlosberg, C. O’Donnell, G. Concannon, M. Seider, L. Paolillo, P. McGee, W. Mahaney, G. Tetrault, D. Twiss.

Guests: D. Sirutis, B. Whalen (MTA Consultants).

Approval of the Orders of the Day
The Orders of the Day were approved.

Visiting Speakers
There were no visiting speakers.

President’s Report
President Markunas discussed personnel changes, the 3% raise, and the NCHE conference.

It was moved and seconded to approve the eleven members who met the deadline to receive a stipend to attend the NCHE conference. The three late applicants will be listed as alternates in order of their submissions. All attendees must be NCHE members. The motion was approved.

The MSCA Board approved nominees to committees:

William Murphy (BSC) – Grievance Committee

William Mahaney (SSC) – alternate day bargaining

Paul McGee (SSC) – alternate DGCE bargaining

Maynard Seider (MCLA) – alternate day and DGCE bargaining

It was moved and seconded that the MSCA Crisis Committee shall coordinate system-wide implementation and communication of bargaining committee strategies approved by the Board of Directors. The motion was approved.

The BHE post tenure review proposal is still the major sticking point in our contract negotiations.

Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer outlined the MSCA’s expenses over the past year and indicated a need for some new policies. The Board of Directors will take up the Treasurer’s issues at its next meeting.

Secretary’s Report
No report.

Local Chapter Presidents
The local chapter presidents reported on activities and issues on their campuses.

Grievance Report
The grievance report was distributed for January 2001.

It was moved and seconded that the Board of Directors commend the MSCA grievance secretary, Wendy Boyda, for her extraordinary service to the MSCA and that the Board send her an appropriate gift as a token of our appreciation. The motion was approved.

BHE/MTA Health and Welfare Report
A report was delivered by Dave Twiss.

After the MTA reports and New Business, the meeting adjourned at 1:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Gerald Concannon
MSCA Secretary


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