MSCA Perspective - February 2001

Nominations Open for 2001 NEA Representative Assembly

The 2001 Representative Assembly of the National Education Association will be held July 2 - July 6 in Los Angeles, CA.

All MSCA members who are in good standing on January 15, 2001, and who pay their dues to the NEA through the appropriate MSCA Chapter, may seek election as MSCA local association delegates to the NEA-RA. A stipend is available to cover expenses, the amount to be determined by the MSCA Board of Directors.

In addition, only members who pay their dues to NEA through the appropriate MSCA Chapter will be entitled to vote in the election for MSCA delegates to the NEA-RA.

If you are teaching in DCGE, but pay your dues to NEA through another MTA local Association (e.g., MCCC, APA, or a K-12 Local), you may seek election as a local association delegate only through that association.

Such members will then be entitled to vote in the other local association election; however, they will not be entitled to vote in the MSCA election of NEA-RA Delegates.

Individuals who join NEA through MSCA or another local Association after January 15, 2001, will not be eligible to seek election as a delegate to the NEA-RA.

The specific number of delegates allocated to the MSCA will be established after January 15, 2001. The specific number of seats will be sent to all candidates and will appear o the ballot, if a run-off election is necessary.

    The election timetable is as follows:
    • Nomination deadline: February 26, 2001, 5 p.m., regardless of postmark or indicated fax time.
    • Ballots mailed: week of March 15.
    • Ballots return deadline: April 2, 2001, 5 p.m.

Questions should be directed to:

* Gerald Concannon
MSCA Secretary
Mass. Maritime Academy
101 Academy Drive
Buzzards Bay, MA 02532
(508) 830-5000 x 2272
(508) 830-5090 FAX