Minutes of the Regular Meeting
March 7, 2003
MTA Regional Center, Auburn, MA

Members Present:
J. Ambacher, B. Art, G. Concannon, N. George, P. Hogan, G. Kaza, P. Markunas, P. McGee, J. McKeon, F. Minasian, C. O'Donnell, L. Paolillo, G. Price, S. Schlosberg, M. Seiden, M. Seider, J. Stonehouse, J. Tetrault, D. Twiss.

Donna Sirutis, Robert Whalen (MTA)

Approval of the Orders of the Day and the Minutes:
The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m.

It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of December 6 and January 16. The motions passed.

President's Report:
President Markunas discussed the House One/Reorganization Proposals. There was a lengthy discussion of this issue. Several motions were offered in connection with reorganization issues.

It was moved and seconded that, in the interest of keeping public higher education public, the MSCA Board of Directors opposes the Governor's proposals on health insurance, tuition and fees, collective bargaining, local control, cuts, mergers and privatization. It was moved and seconded to divide the question. The motion passed.

The issues of merger and privatization were incorporated into a separate motion: That the MSCA Board of directors oppose all mergers and privatization of all institutions of public higher education.

Both motions passed unanimously. It was moved and seconded that the MSCA Board of Directors oppose the proposal by the Mass. College of Art administration for a new partnership between the BHE and the College of Art.

It was moved and seconded to table the motion. The motion to table passed.

It was moved and seconded that in order to raise the level of state revenues to pay for needed services for the residents of Massachusetts, the MSCA Board of Directors supports the closing of corporate tax loopholes and supports an increase in the state income tax rate. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to approve nominations to the grievance committee: J. McKeon (Fitchburg), J. Shea (Westfield). The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the procedure to elect alternate delegates to the MTA annual meeting. The motion passed.

Report of the DGCE Bargaining Committee:
It was moved and seconded to approve the DGCE bargaining proposals.

It was moved and seconded to amend item #3 to specify credit-bearing courses.

It was moved and seconded to amend item #4 by deleting negotiated through ERC and by inserting anonymous before student complaints.

Both amendments were approved. The main motion, as amended, passed.

On behalf of the Board, President Markunas thanked MTA Consultant Whalen, Chairperson Twiss and the members of the DGCE Bargaining Committee for their work in preparing the proposal.

Vice President's Report:
Vice President Minasian reported on his ongoing legislative activities.

Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer discussed monthly expenses, the budget committee meeting and salary guidelines for MSCA personnel. It was moved and seconded to accept the allocation of chapter delegates for the 2003 MSCA delegate assembly. The motion passed.

Secretary's Report:
It was moved and seconded to elect the eight MSCA members nominated to serve as delegates to the NEA RA. The motion passed.

Those elected are S. Jackson (Westfield), L. Paolillo (MCLA), P. Markunas (Salem), R. Flippo (Fitchburg), C. Wellens (Fitchburg), R. Colgan (Bridgewater), J. Ebiware (MCLA) and L. Caton (Westfield).

It was moved and seconded to pay a $1200 stipend to each delegate on submission of receipts and evidence of voting. The motion passed.

MSCA Chapter Presidents' Reports:
The chapter presidents reported on activities taking place on their campuses.

Committee Reports:
The committee chairs gave brief reports concerning the activities of their respective committees.

The grievance chair did note the backlog of grievances at the arbitration level.

MTA Reports:
It was moved and seconded to go into Executive Session for the update by the DGCE Consultant. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to come out of Executive Session. The motion passed.

Director Paolillo delivered the MTA Director's Report and focused on repeal efforts of Social Security provisions that can penalize our members upon retirement. He asked the membership to press their representatives to support HR 595 (McKeon) and S 349 (Feinstein).

The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.

Gerald Concannon, Secretary, MSCA