Massachusetts State College Association
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
December 7, 2001
Framingham State College

Members Present: J. Alberghene, B. Art, G. Concannon, A. Goyette, P. Markunas, P. McGee, W. Mahaney, J. McKeon, F. Minasian, C. O’Donnell, G. Price, N. Price, M. Seider, J. Stonehouse, J. Tetrault, D. Twiss.

Guests: Donna Sirutis, MTA; Bob Whalen, MTA; Jay McHale, Salem S.C./MTA Board; Ely Dorsey Bridgewater SC/Chair AAC; Sandra Faiman-Silva, Bridgewater SC/Chair Elections Comm.

Orders of the Day:
It was moved and seconded to amend the agenda to have local chapter reports delivered first.

It was moved and seconded to move the Elections Committee report to be considered upon the arrival of its chair.

The orders of the day were approved as amended.

It was moved and seconded to accept the November 2, 2001, minutes, as amended. The motion passed.

MSCA Chapter Presidents’ Reports:
The chapter presidents delivered their reports.

It was noted that the Fitchburg State College faculty voted no confidence in the college president.

It was moved and seconded to condemn the egregious behavior of the president of Fitchburg State College for his arbitrary and capricious administration of the college and for his creation of an atmosphere of fear and intimidation at the campus. The MSCA Board supports the Fitchburg chapter in its vote of no confidence in the president of Fitchburg State College. The motion passed unanimously.

MSCA Committee Reports:
Elections Committee Report

The Elections Committee report was delivered by Chairperson Sandra Faiman-Silva.

It was moved and seconded to amend Rule #9 by adding at the end: All campaign materials supporting or opposing any candidate must be signed by at least one member in good standing. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to amend the Calendar by adding after Perspective (2/8/02) “which shall be distributed to the unit members at least one week prior to the mailing of the ballots.” The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to add “or hand delivery” after “certified mail” in the Nov. 1, 2001 Elections Calendar. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to delete the words “pt. time day, DGCE” and substitute “and non full-time” (Rule #11). The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to delete “or receive” messages from #8 of Proposed MSCA Election Rules. The motion failed.

It was moved and seconded to accept the Rules and the Calendar as amended. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to thank members of the Elections Committee for their work. The motion passed unanimously.

It was moved and seconded to publish the Rules and Calendar in the MSCA Perspective and to post them on the MSCA web page. The motion passed.

Affirmative Action Committee Report
The Affirmative Action Committee report was delivered by Chairperson Ely Dorsey. The committee asked the MSCA Board to support an action survey that will be distributed to all campuses. The Affirmative Action Committee did not have data from every campus.

It was moved and seconded to receive the report of the Affirmative Action Committee and to direct it to come back to the MSCA Board with a finished instrument for the system wide survey. The motion passed.

President’s Report:
The MSCA president reported on contract funding and other issues. She nominated M. Vaughan (Salem) to the MSCA Grievance Committee and J. McKeon (Fitchburg) to the MSCA Elections Committee. The nominations were approved.

The president thanked the MSCA Board for its help with getting the contract funded.

Vice President’s Report:
The vice president delivered his report including the grievance report and suggestions for dealing with post-tenure review grievances.

The Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer discussed the conversion and reworking of the MSCA database.

It was moved and seconded to authorize the MSCA treasurer to pay two $2000 stipends to convert the MSCA treasurer’s database. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to transfer $5000 from the 9080 account to the 9040 account. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to set aside $3000 for stipends to attend NCHE. There is to be a $500 cap per person. If more than six apply, the money is to be divided by that number of applications. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded that to be eligible to receive an NCHE stipend, a member must be in good standing in NCHE and must provide proof of on-site registration at the conference. The motion passed.

It was moved and seconded to have the MSCA treasurer pay the annual dues to NCHE. The motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m.

Gerald Concannon, Secretary, MSCA