Messages to the Membership-Pres. Pat Markunas: MSCA

April 19, 2008

Dear MSCA Faculty and Librarians:

On Thursday, MSCA vice president C. J. O'Donnell and I participated in a conference call with Paul Jean, a public relations consultant for the Council of Presidents, to discuss ways in which state college faculty might assist in his efforts to publicize the results of the latest state college faculty salary study, which is posted on the MSCA website Our working with the Council on this project is part of our current bargaining strategy.

Paul feels strongly that personal stories from faculty members, department chairpersons and chairs of search committees about the negative impact of our less-than-competitive salaries will enhance the likelihood that the Boston and regional newpapers will pick up this story and influence readers, editors, and key public officials in ways that will be beneficial to our efforts in bargaining.

If you could provide a concrete example of the loss of high-quality candidates for faculty positions for financial reasons, or the resignation of untenured and tenured faculty members for better paying positions elsewhere, please contact my office as soon as possible. Those individuals who did not take positions in the state colleges or who resigned would not be named, of course, but the negative impact of these failed searches and resignations would be important for you (and your colleagues, if they are willing) to articulate.

Ideally, Paul would like personal stories and contacts at each state college so that the regional press can use this material in making the salary statistics "real." He is most interested in those programs directly connected to the Massachusetts economy, but any faculty member who can speak about the personal negative impact of our less-than-competitive salaries could be helpful to his efforts and ours.

Thank you for your assistance in this important effort.

Pat Markunas
MSCA President

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