Messages to the Membership-Pres. Pat Markunas: MSCA

October 14,2003

Dear Colleagues:

As you know, the MTA, in conjunction with other unions representing members in higher education, has been engaged in an intensive lobbying effort to get the remaining 23 contracts in higher education funded. As MSCA members, we need to support these efforts, as they will have an impact on our ability to bargain for both day and DGCE contracts.

Here are three things you can do to help:

1) Sign and stampt the postcards you received in the mail and send them to Speaker Finneran, your local representative and your local senator. Remind your colleagues to do likewise.

2) Email your legislators today with the message that the state must honor its signed contracts.

Visit to send a message to your state representative and senator. Click on this link: You will be asked to add your name and address to a message in support of the Contract Action Campaign. Your address and zip code will be used to direct your message to your state legislators.

3) Support the State House Watch in Boston. Join your higher education colleagues every Monday through Thursday from 10:00 am to noon for informational picketing at the State House. Participation is especially needed on Tuesdays.

Thank you for your support of this important work.

Pat Markunas
MSCA President


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