APA Needs Our Help!

August 23, 2018

Dear MSCA faculty and librarians,

The Association of Professional Administrators (APA), the union representing middle management administrators at the nine Massachusetts state universities, needs our help.

The Governor’s Office of Employee Relations (OER) incorrectly contends that the new APA contract exceeds the financial parameters authorized by Governor Baker and as a result is recommending that the APA contract not be funded.  At issue are the uniform allowances for campus police officers and cruise stipends for APA employees at Mass Maritime who are required to participate on the sea term.

APA members are writing and calling the governor to fight for the contract they bargained in good faith.  Help your state university colleagues.  Take a moment to email Governor Baker a message that fair treatment of state university employees demands that he honor the APA contract.  In addition, please call the Governor’s office at (617) 725-4005 and reiterate this message.

We also ask that you email your state representative and state senator to enlist them in this effort by asking them to contact the governor to urge him to honor the APA contract.

The new MSCA day contract will be submitted to OER next week and, given the OER’s negative recommendation on the APA contract, we have to believe that the funding of the MSA day contract is also at risk.  If OER makes a negative recommendation on the MSCA day contract a new volley of emails and phone calls will be requested.

It takes only a moment to let our elected officials know that this treatment of our state university workforce is completely unacceptable.

In solidarity,
CJ O’Donnell
MSCA President