Salem MSCA Newsletter
MSCA/Salem Chapter - Pat Johnston, Editor - Kathleen Ell, Production Manager

September 5, 1999

President's Message - Pat Markunas
The money is coming, the money is coming.  And it's actually going to get here before the millennium.

On September 2, Governor Cellucci signed a supplemental budget that included the funding for our 7/1/98 3% pay raise and retroactive payments.  These monies will NOT be paid out in September but will be paid in either October or November.  When we know the exact payroll month, we will inform the entire membership immediately.

Given the long delay since the effective date of this pay increase and the execution of the one-year extension memorandum, I will attempt to clarify who is eligible for what, under this memorandum.

EVERYONE WHO WAS IN THE DAY BARGAINING UNIT ON MARCH 12, 1999, WILL BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE THE PAY INCREASE AND APPROPRIATE RETROACTIVE PAYMENTS.  If you were NOT in the bargaining unit on March 12, 1999, see the appropriate provision below.  Also, this memorandum does not affect any work or stipends in DGCE.

Full Time Faculty and Librarians
All full-time members who were in the bargaining unit on March 12, 1999, will receive a 3% increase in their base salary, which will be implemented in either the October or November payroll.

Retroactive payments will be made back to July 1, 1998 OR the date of hire, whichever is LATER.  The "date of hire" means the actual start of employment in the state college system.  For example, members who may have signed a contract in the spring of 1998, but who did not actually start working at Salem State until September 1, 1998, will receive retroactive payments to September 1, not July 1.  Members who began their employment here in January 1999, will receive retroactive payments back to that date, not July 1, 1998.  Only those members who were actually employed in the bargaining unit on July 1, 1998, will receive retroactive payments back to that date (15 or 16 months, depending on when the payments are actually implemented).

Additionally, member who were promoted effective September 1, 1998, and who received a 5% increase in their base salary as a result of their promotion will be entitled to an additional retroactive payment as a result of the July 1, 1998 3% increase.  (We are still waiting for a decision from the Council of President as to payments to be made to members promoted effective September 1, 1999.)

Any full-time member who was in the bargaining unit on March 12, 1999, and who left the unit for ANY reason AFTER that date is eligible to receive both the pay increase and retroactive payments as described above.
Any full-time member who was in the bargaining unit on July 1, 1998 and who left the unit for ANY reason PRIOR to March 12, 1999, will NOT be eligible for the pay increase or retroactive payments, with the sole exception of payments to be made to the estates of members who passed away after July 1, 1998.

Full-time members who were hired after March 12, 1999, will have their starting salaries re-evaluated under the Salary Equity Formula (Article XIIIA), as the base salary under this formula will increase to $27,867 on September 1, 1998.  If an increase in the starting salary is warranted, retroactive payments will also be made.

Part-Time (Day) Unit Members
All part-time unit members (those in their third or later consecutive semester) will receive a 3% increase in the course stipends which they will receive for the fall, 1999, semester.  This increase will be permanent and ongoing.

All part-time members who were in the bargaining unit on March 12, 1999, will receive retroactive payments of 3% for all courses taught during the fall, 1998, and spring, 1999, semesters.  Part-time unit members who taught in the fall, 1998, semester only will not be eligible for retroactive payments.

Those part-time faculty who are NOT members of the day bargaining unit should contact the Office of Academic Affairs, not the Salem Chapter/MSCA, to find out if they will be eligible for any these payments.

And you thought it was just a simple 3% pay raise!  Thanks to all those members who called their state representatives and senators when they were asked to, this past summer.  And thanks to Paul McGee, our chapter's representative to the day Bargaining Committee, who helped to initiate this memorandum when bargaining was especially bleak last January.  Paul is on sabbatical this semester, but messages of thanks can be sent to him at

And What About This Year's Promotions and Chairs' Stipends -- and the Terminal Degrees?  While We're At It, What's Going on With Governance?
At several points in time since last spring, the MSCA has proposed to the Council of Presidents that the Council agree to pay promotion increases, effective 9/1/99, and the chairs' stipends for 1999-2000, and evaluate all unit members promoted last year and this year, and all members who have earned a terminal degree since 9/1/97, under the salary equity formula (Article XIIIA) to make appropriate salary adjustments.  The Council has not responded to this request.

At its meeting of September 3, 1999, the MSCA Board of Directors voted to participate in governance only when the Council of Presidents has agreed to:

pay the promotions adjustments for members promoted effective 9/1/99,
 pay appropriate adjustments to those members who earned terminal
  degrees after 9/1/97, - under the salary equity formula,
 pay the chairs' stipends for this academic year, and
 pay each unit member $1200 in professional development monies.

This request was transmitted by fax to the Chair of the Council of Presidents, Fitchburg President Michael Riccards, on Tuesday, September 7.  A request to have an MSCA representative address the Council at its meeting of September 10 was denied.  As soon as we receive an official response to our request, we will inform the membership about these payments and about our participation in governance for this academic year.

Upcoming Chapter Events
Salem Chapter/MSCA Executive Committee Meeting.  Our first meeting of the semester will be held Thursday, September 23rd, at 2:30 pm in the Essex County Room, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus.  This meeting is open to all union members.

New Faculty/Librarians Workshop.  This workshop, for new and recently hired faculty and librarians, will be held Monday, September 27th, at 11:00 am in the Presidential Dining Room, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus.  (Please note the date correction from the September 1 newsletter.)  The workshop is open to all members, but those interested in attending are asked to call the Chapter Office to RSVP, so that lunch and materials may be provided.

Special Election - Committee on Promotions.  Two vacancies exist on this committee, one for a one-year term and the second for a two-year term.  The nominee receiving the higher number of votes will be elected to the two-year term.  This election will be held on Monday September 27th, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Chapter Office, Sullivan Building 205B, North Campus.  Only full-time, tenured and tenure-track members are eligible to vote in this election.

Committee Appointments Announced
Salem Chapter/MSCA Executive Committee.  Juditha Burchsted (Biology) will serve as a Division I representative (effective immediately) and Amy Everitt (SFL) will serve as an At-Large representative to this Committee (effective 9/25/99), for the remainder of the year.

All-College Committee.  Diane Bushner (Education) will serve (effective 9/25/99) for the remainder of this year.

Additional appointments will be made at the September 23rd meeting of the Salem Chapter/MSCA Executive Committee.

Student Evaluations for Fall 1999 - Bill Mahaney, Grievance Officer
To date, no agreement has been reached at the (day) bargaining table regarding the instrument for student evaluations for the fall l999 semester. It is, therefore, inappropriate for the administration to unilaterally impose the new IDEA forms. (The old IDEA forms in the present contract will no longer be processed by the IDEA Center, and the new IDEA forms have been significantly changed.)

If you receive any Faculty Information Forms asking you to select your course objectives, please notify the Salem Chapter/MSCA immediately (978-542-6366). Also, please do not complete or return the forms; rather, keep the forms until you receive further information from the Salem Chapter.  Your cooperation demonstrates your support of the MSCA and its Bargaining Team, as well as of the collective bargaining process itself.

Contracts Available in Chapter Office
For all day unit members, the 1995-98 contract remains in full force and effect.  For DGCE unit members, the DGCE contract for 1997-2000 is in its last year of effect.  Members may pick up copies of these agreements during the regular chapter office hours (Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) or by leaving a message at extension 6366.  To keep down our postage costs, please leave a campus address if at all possible.  Both contracts are also available on reserve in the SSC Library and through the MSCA WebPage -

Free Money!!
MTA sponsors a grant program to which chapter members may apply. “Sharing the Successes of Public Education” provides up to $1,000 to support public relations projects that promote student and faculty achievements.  These awards are given on a first come, first served basis for all projects that meet the criteria.  If you are interested in bringing your work or that of your students to “external audiences,” contact Patricia Markunas or Kathleen Ell at extension 6366 for the guidelines.  The application must be signed by the chapter president and submitted to MTA no later than February 1, 2000.

ESC Changes Name to MTA BENEFITS, INC.
MTA’s Educators Services Corporation (ESC) has changed its name to MTA Benefits, Inc. (MTAB).  From the press release:

As a wholly owned subsidiary of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, celebrating thirty years of service to members, the new name better reflects our mission and identity as the sole provider of member benefit programs to MTA.

MTA Benefits delights in offering MTA members and their families a wide range of exclusive programs carefully selected to meet your insurance, travel, financial and everyday needs.  Going into the millennium, MTA Benefits’ primary focus continues to be on you, our member.  MTA Benefits designs, develops and delivers programs to help protect you, your property and your finances, for less money than you’ll find elsewhere.  There is power in numbers.  Participation not only increases MTA’s bargaining power to provide you even greater savings, but additional program revenues enhance customer service and program delivery systems.

Watch your mail in mid September for a new MTA Dental Plan enrollment and the 1999/2000 MTA Discount Directory listing over 925 locations where your MTA member card allows you discount admissions.  Please contact MTA Benefits directly at (800) 336-0990 or the SSC Human Resources Office at (978) 542-6123 if you have any questions about this new dental plan.

MTA in Retirement
You can remain as a member of MTA after you retire and retain all of its benefits.  If you are over 40, you can save money by prepaying your dues at today’s rate:  $200 for MTA and $100 for NEA.  If you are interested call the MTA Retired Members Service Specialist at (800)-392-6175.

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Revised 10/26/99