Salem MSCA Newsletter
MSCA/Salem Chapter - Pat Johnston, Editor - Kathleen Ell, Production Manager

November 3, 1999

The Bargaining Crisis Worsens-Pat Markunas and Paul McGee
We saw no positive or encouraging developments at the bargaining table in October.  Despite MSCA’s repeated attempts to compromise wherever possible, the BHE has steadfastly maintained its contempt and disrespect for faculty and librarians.

It is imperative that the MSCA convey to a larger audience our opposition to the BHE’s harsh and regressive proposals.   The MSCA is calling for an Action Day in connection with the November BHE meeting.


NOVEMBER 16, 1999, beginning at 8:30 a.m.




In preparing for this Action Day, we urge you to beware of groundless optimism.  Some college presidents have been reporting progress at the bargaining table.  Optimistic reports are dangerously erroneous.  They raise your expectations and dampen your anger.  For now, please ignore any good news from the administration about bargaining.


Please return to the Salem Chapter Office ASAP.

Yes, I will participate in the demonstration at Bridgewater State College on Tuesday, November 16, 1999, at 8:30 a.m.

Name: _______________________________________ Home Phone: _________________

Email:  _______________________________________

Bargaining Report – Paul McGee
Both sides met on Friday, October 22nd, and Wednesday, October 27th.  The Board of Higher Education (BHE) representatives rejected most of what we had proposed on Thursday, September 30th.  The sessions focused on their proposed changes to the post tenure review process and the paltry economic package being offered.

Unbelievably, the BHE persists in proposing a post tenure review with NO acceptable due process and NO just cause standard for discharge. We informed the employer that this is completely unacceptable and would be rejected by our members; protections must be built into any changes to the current system.

The BHE also presented an economic package that included the following:

After almost twenty months of bargaining, we need to make our message louder and clearer.  It is time to let the new Chairperson of the BHE, Stephen Tocco, hear from the members.  The next opportunity is the BHE meeting, at Bridgewater State College, on Tuesday, November 16th, beginning at 8:30 AM.

We need you to make whatever arrangements are necessary (alternative assignments, personal days) to make your presence felt in Bridgewater on November 16th.  We will arrange carpools as needed.

A bargaining session has been scheduled for December 10th.  I will keep you informed on any developments.  See you on the 16th at Bridgewater.

Reporting “Walkaways”-Bill Mahaney
Faculty who choose not to take attendance or report “walkaways” should ignore the memorandum sent recently by the Registrar, requesting this information.  This matter is being grieved by the Chapter and has been referred to the MTA Legal Division for its assistance.

Elections Committee-Sandra Faiman-Silva, Chair
After November 1, 1999, unit members may obtain nomination papers for the forthcoming MSCA Spring 2000 election for all four leadership positions.  As per the MSCA Constitution, Article IV, requests for nomination papers should be sent, by certified mail, to:  Sandra Faiman-Silva, Chair, Elections Committee, c/o MSCA Chapter Office, 95 Burrill Avenue, Bridgewater, MA  02325.  Unit members should also be alerted to language in the MSCA Constitution, Article IV, which governs MSCA elections.

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Revised 11/9/99