Salem Chapter Newsletter President's Message - Amy Everitt - December 19, 2012


I have just a few reminders for the close of the fall semester.

1. On January 1, 2013, all full time faculty and librarians will see a 1.75% salary increase.
2. Beginning with the spring semester, all faculty teaching in DGCE will receive a 3.0% increase. Winter session will remain at the 2012 rate.
3. If you have not already done so, return the application for your $703.00 professional development to the Provosts’ office by December 31, 2012. This is a hard deadline and will not be extended.
4. All faculty and librarians have been invited to submit comments on the President’s Strategic Plan. I encourage you to review the document and participate in the process.
5. The sabbatical bill remains “stuck” in Senate Ways and Means. All hands are on deck in the MSCA, Council of Presidents, and local representatives to move it during this legislative session.

Finally, as we move through the holiday season, let us not forget the tragedy, sorrow and courage of the last few months, from Hurricane Sandy to Sandy Hook Elementary School. I have made a commitment to President Meservey to partner with her in making sure that our campus can be as safe as possible. I will continue to pursue the resources and responses necessary to make our policies, procedures and spaces better equipped to handle potential emergency situations.

May you and your family find joy, peace, hope and good health this holiday season and into the new year.

Amy Amy Everitt, President MSCA/Salem Chapter

Amy L. Everitt,
Ed.D., ATC Professor, Sport & Movement Science Department
Salem State University
MSCA/Salem Chapter President
MSCA Vice President 978.542.6576