Salem Chapter Newsletter President's Message - Amy Everitt - April 25, 2012

Hi all,

I hope this finds everyone well. I have several announcements as we close out the spring semester. First, thank you all for making the extra effort to cast your vote regarding the tentative agreement. I am very pleased to announce that the 2012-2014 day collective bargaining agreement was ratified on Thursday and the results are:

In favor of ratification: 455
Opposed to ratification: 16
Blank ballots: 1
Challenged ballots: 8

As a reminder, we will be receiving the last increase of the current contract of 3.5% on June 30, 2012. This funding is guaranteed. The first increase of the new agreement will be 1.75% on July 1, 2012 (yes, one day later!). Funding for this increase is sitting with the state budget process and we will be working to make sure the funding is secure. If you have any questions regarding the 2012-2014 agreement, please do not hesitate to contact me. Details can be found on the MSCA website.

Second, I would like to invite everyone to the annual Chapter luncheon on Wednesday May 2 from 11:30-1:30 in the MLK Room, Ellison Campus Center. Come and help us celebrate the end of the academic year! We will present the 2012-2013 Chapter budget for approval and will take nominations from the floor for committee seats. This will also be an opportunity to thank our outgoing officers and Executive Committee members and introduce our newly elected members.

Legislative update: The Sabbatical bill continues to sit in House Ways and Means. The MSCA is working along with the Council of Presidents to move it through the process. I have personally met with Representative John Keenan, the sponsor of the bill, and he has promised to assist us as well.

There is no news yet on the ORP. It has been put to the IRS to address issues around taxes. It may be several months before the process will be in place for employees to change over to the state system. As soon as we have any information, we will pass it along.

Good luck with the end of the semester. May is coming, I promise! Thank you for all of your support throughout the year and I hope to see you at some of the many events that mark the end of the year. Amy

Thanks, Amy

Amy L. Everitt,
Ed.D., ATC Professor, Sport & Movement Science Department
Salem State University
MSCA/Salem Chapter President
MSCA Vice President 978.542.6576