MSCA/Salem Chapter Newsletter
October, 2001

President's Message - Paul F. McGee
Urgent Call Now is the time for all good faculty/librarians to come to the aid of their college!

MSCA President Pat Markunas, MTA Executive Director-Treasurer Ed Sullivan, BHE Chair Steve Tocco, and Chancellor Judy Gill met with Speaker Thomas Finneran on Wednesday, October 3rd, to discuss the importance of funding our contract. In summary, Speaker Finneran told the group that he would seriously consider their concerns.

The current legislative session ends November 21st. The MSCA Board of Directors believes the most effective course of action to ensure funding in the present fiscal year is to direct our energies to the legislature. They have issued an urgent call to members to make immediate and repeated phone calls and send emails and letters to our legislative leaders, especially the House members.

Money is available to secure funding; it is a question of political will. The FY '01 surplus of $570 million was put into a transitional account. If this fund is not used by the end of the legislative session, these monies revert to the 'rainy day' fund. If this money is added to the current 'rainy day' fund, the fund will be large enough to trigger a tax cut automatically. Our contract requires $36.8 million to fund it fully for FY '01, FY '02 and FY '03 - the money is available. It is also important to let your legislators know that the money should be state money, not college money. If the colleges have to fund this pay raise with current budgets, the effect on the colleges and their students will be devastating. It is believed that student fees are the only revenue source that can be increased, and this will place unexpected hardship on students and undermine attempts to make the state colleges more affordable. This is an unacceptable solution.

While you are lobbying the legislature for funding you might mention that an increase in appropriations for the state college system is needed. The colleges are presently operating under a 'provisional budget' that provides no increase over the FY '01 budget.

The statewide leadership of the MSCA and representatives from MTA have been working very hard to secure funding for our hard-fought, signed agreement. Most of the college presidents are involved in this effort as well. This agreement was ratified in the spring, and now is the time for the membership to be heard on Beacon Hill.

Salem will be forming a legislative crisis committee. Any members who can volunteer some time please call me at extension 6366.

Included with this newsletter are talking points to be used when communicating with your representatives. I have also included a list of Ways and Means Committee members, and a complete list of members of the House of Representatives and State Senate. At Friday's MSCA Board Meeting, it was pointed out that members who email their representatives from the MTA webpages simultaneously send a copy of their email to the MTA.

All state college campuses will be initiating activities to get our message out. We will also be talking to our local college presidents, trustees, and students. NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT. PLEASE GET INVOLVED.

Committee Vacancies - 2nd Notice
If you are interested in serving on the Council on Teaching & Learning, Academic Computing, Retention Committee, or PeopleSoft Production Advisory Committee please inform the Chapter Office at extension 6920 by noon, October 15th.

MSCA Agreement for 2001 -2003
MSCA contracts are available in the Chapter Office. If you would like a copy, please call extension 6920 or stop by Sullivan Building, Room 205B.

Talking Points of MSCA Contract Funding
Please call your state legislators with the following message:

1. Please fund (H4148) the contract for the state college faculty and professional librarians (MSCA).

2. The contract was filed in the House in May. The Senate included the contract funding in its version of the deficiency budget, but the House did not.

3. This contract represents (3) years of intensive negotiations.

4. State college faculty salaries are not competitive in the national academic job market. The raises in this contract will help the state colleges compete for talent.

5. The state colleges' educate over 41,000 students per year. The overwhelming majority of our students are residents of Massachusetts or decide to remain in this state after they graduate. They contribute to the economic lifeblood of the Massachusetts economy as workers and taxpayers.

6. If your legislators say they support funding your contract, ask them specifically to speak with their legislative leaders -

For House members: Speaker Finneran and House, Ways & Means Chair John Rogers; For Senators: Senate President Tom Birmingham and Senate Ways & Means Chair Mark Montigny. They should urge their legislative leaders to fund the contracts this fall.

Bargaining Team Appointment
Nancy George has resigned as alternate to the Day Bargaining Team; Paul McGee has replaced her as alternate.

Salem Chapter/MSCA Executive Committee Meeting
There will be a Salem Chapter Executive Committee meeting on Monday, October 15th at 2:00 p.m. in the Presidential Dining Room, Ellison Center. Agenda items include an update on our effects to fund the contract, governance committee assignments, and new items. This meeting is open to all members.