MSCA/Salem Chapter Newsletter
April 9, 2001

Committee Nominations Issue

Salem Chapter Meeting
Thursday, April 26, 2001
2:00 pm
MLK Room, Ellison Center

Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 26, 2001
2:30 pm
MLK Room, Eillison Center

Salem Chapter/MSCA Committee Appointment Procedures
(adopted April 16, 1966/revised November 6, 1997 & March 25, 1999)

I. General Principles
All possible steps should be taken to maximize participation in governance by faculty and librarians. Committee appointments, especially to contract committees, should represent as diverse a group of members as possible. In particular, a balance among departments and between junior and senior faculty should be a goal.

II. Contract Committees (All-College, Curriculum, Academic Policies, and Student Affairs)
a) No member may be appointed to more than one contract committee in a given academic year.
b) No more than one member from any academic department may be appointed to any given contract committee.
c) The sixteen (16) seats on the Curriculum and Academic Policies Committees shall be allocated evenly among the four (4) academic areas as redistributed (see VI below).
d) The five (5) seats on the Graduate Education Council shall be allocated as follows: One (1) seat to be held by a member of the graduate faculty from each School (Arts & Sciences, Business and Human Services) and two (2) seats to remain at-large held by members of the graduate faculty.
e) The eight (8) seats on the All-College Committee shall be allocated as follows: one (1) seat to be held by a member of each of the four (4) Academic Areas and four (4) seats to remain at-large.

III. For Non-Contract, Special and Ad Hoc Committees Consideration should be given not only to the composition of the committee but how many committee appointments an individual member currently holds. Greater effort should be made to appoint members not already appointed to committees.

IV. Procedures
a) Whenever practicable, all committee appointments should be posted for the general membership's nomination.
b) When nominations have been solicited for committee service at the expiration of the committee terms (one-year for contract committees, two-years for non-contract committees), any remaining vacancies should be re-posted early in the fall for additional nominations from newly hired members and those returning from leaves of absence.
c) After this second posting, the chapter president is authorized to fill any remaining vacancies in accordance with these procedures.
d) Whenever practicable, vacancies that arise on committees, should be posted for the general membership's nomination. When this is not practicable, the chapter president shall be authorized to fill vacancies as soon as possible.

V. Sabbatical and Unpaid Leaves of Absence
a) Members on a paid or unpaid leave of absence may not be appointed to any committee during the academic year or years of their leaves. An exception shall be to fill vacancies which arise after the member has returned from leave.
b) Members appointed to complete any committee term shall finish the term.

VI. Distribution of Departments
In an effort to equalize the representation of faculty and librarians on the Curriculum and Academic Policies Committees, the following redistribution of departments was adopted by the Executive Committee. Four (4) departments were moved in order to accomplish the equalization of the number of unit members and departments within each academic area represented on the Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee.

Academic Area A
Academic Area B
Academic Area C Academic Area D