MSCA/Salem Chapter Newsletter
September 20, 2000

President's Message - Paul F. McGee
Representatives of the Board of Higher Education have informed us that a cost request for the three (3%) pay raise has been submitted to the Governor's officer and approval is expected before January 2001. No definite date was given for when the money will be in our paychecks. A Memorandum of Agreement, for payment of the Chair, Promotion, and Terminal Degree stipends, has been drafted and small changes will be negotiated before implementation.

At the bargaining session on September 15th management presented a distance education proposal that did not address intellectual property rights. Management will respond with a complete proposal, in writing, prior to October 6th. This Friday your bargaining team will craft a comprehensive proposal, addressing all bargaining issues, in anticipation of intensive bargaining that has been scheduled for October 11, 12, and 13. We will keep you informed.

Election Notice, Committee on Promotions
On Wednesday, September 27th, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, in the Salem Chapter/MSCA office, Sullivan Building room 205B, there will be an election for representatives to the Committee on Promotions. Five nominees will appear on the ballot: Maureen McRae (Nursing), Kathy Dow (Accounting/Finance), Paul Green (Sociology), Margaret Andrews (Library), and Mark Fregeau (Biology). Unit members may vote for up to four (4) members for two-year term (2000-2002). The member receiving the fewest votes will serve a one-year term (2000-2001).

Last year Dean Greenstein visited the Salem Chapter/MSCA Executive Committee to discuss the strategic directions of Continuing Education. On that date she volunteered to do a follow-up meeting and has agreed to return to our November committee meeting. Faculty who have suggestions, comments, or concerns about what is working and what is not should send a note to the union office or email by October 6th. Your communication will be forwarded to a subcommittee of the Executive Committee, thereby maintaining anonymity, for presentation to Dean Greenstein in November.