May 3, 2000
President's Message - Patricia Markunas
What a long, strange trip this has been.

As hard as it may seem right now, I leave the chapter presidency with strong, mixed emotions. On the one hand, I believe that the strength of our chapter has been the entire series of talented and committed individuals who have served as president at Salem, each one bringing new ideas, energy and priorities to this position. It is time for a new local president, our first from the School of Business. On the other hand, I am sad to realize that I am the last "charter member" of the original 1980 Chapter Executive Committee and for the first time in 20 years, I will not play any official role in the local chapter.

I have truly enjoyed my six years as your chapter president. I have been blessed to have served with a superb grievance officer, Bill Mahaney; several capable chapter officers, including Joyce Cryan, Chuck Gould, Tom Luddy, and Susan Sturgeon; and a diverse and committed Executive Committee every year. Patricia Johnston and Nancy George have made our local communications the best in the state. And Kathleen Ell, our office secretary, has been the most wonderful thing to happen to our Chapter in years!

I have learned a great about the College, the faculty and librarians, and myself in these years. I enjoyed taking on your fights, helping solve your problems, and speaking on your behalf. I know that I am a better person for these experiences, and I hope that I leave the Chapter in a better position as well.

Many people across the state have told me how courageous I was to sit at the MSCA Delegate Assembly and listen to what was going on without losing my cool. Whatever courage I demonstrated was drawn from the strong Salem Delegation, seated in front of me, who stayed with me throughout it all. A union is not a single individual. It is the collective force of all of its members. Salem is the strongest chapter of all, and it is from you, its members, the real union, that I have drawn the strength and courage demonstrated on your behalf.

Regarding the MSCA presidency, I have submitted a proposal for binding arbitration to Bill Murphy and MTA President Steve Gorrie, as the best way to resolve the election conflict and preserve the integrity of our state Association. Pending the decision about that proposal, a mass mailing will take place next week about the next steps to be taken by the 1174 members who participated in the MSCA Officers Elections.

Thank you again for all of your help and support. You are what is best about Salem State College and it has been my honor and privilege to represent you.

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